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"Winwinnie!" Yuta jumps to Winwin, making him falls onto the bed, with his eyes still stick to the phone screen

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"Winwinnie!" Yuta jumps to Winwin, making him falls onto the bed, with his eyes still stick to the phone screen.


"Are you bored? Yes you are, " Yuta, as usual, answering for Winwin. But he will just say the answer he wants to hear. Yeah, everyone knows that.

"Wae? Do you find any new anime?" Winwin asks, as Yuta always ask him to watch anime together.

"Not yet... But let's go to the mart. I need to meet Hina to give her her allowance."

"Oh, sure! Gaja!"


"Oniichan!" Hina calls her brother when she sees him slurping the soft drink at the bar table.

Listening to his sister's cute voice, Yuta turns back, taking out the wallet from his jeans pocket. And looking at Hina — and the one at Hina's side.

He is surprised.

Too surprised that he slips the wallet from his hold. And Winwin with an obviously confused face, takes the wallet and puts it back into Yuta's hold.


Hina, who stands in the middle of those two confused people, trying to understand the situation. Prince? How does Ryujin know about Oniichan's...  Wait! Prince... Ryujin... Gosh, this can't be a coincidence...

Hina can't decide what should she does in this kind of situation. Should she goes to her brother first, or to her friend first? Before she can even decide it, Yuta holds her hand and walks out from the mart.

Reaching a secluded area beside the mart, Yuta looks around to make sure no one is there. "Is she your friend?"

"Hai... I guess Ryujin is that Ryujin." Hina says in a low voice, looking at her brother with a guilty face.

"Why I didn't know that she's your friend? She might think you have a weak brother. Aigoo..." That's what he so afraid of. He used to be Hina's guardian angel since they were little. He can't look weak in anyone's eyes. Yuta can't imagine what will happen if Hina is being bullied again. Seeing Hina walks or does anything alone is his biggest fear and trauma. Because he once ignored his sister when she was in such a hard time, eight years ago. That was the starter point. Yuta surely wouldn't do that if he knew that thing led to a bigger suffer for Hina. The moment Hina was found with red all around her body and some iron sticks at her side, Yuta was overwhelmed with guilt. If only he protected Hina sooner, this thing wouldn't happen. Hina woke up from the coma, suffered from a short-term memory lost so she can't remember who attacked her. And starting from that, Yuta promised himself, no one can bring harm to Hina.



"What should I do?" She almost tearing up.

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