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Ryujin opens her eyes and the first thing to be seen is the white ceiling

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Ryujin opens her eyes and the first thing to be seen is the white ceiling. She gets up quickly from the lying position, making the nurse who comes to exchange her IV drip holding her back.

"W-Where is Yuta?" She asks the nurse.


"The guy. Where is he?" Ryujin reaches her patience limit. She's not a bad-tempered person but she just too worried about Yuta.

"Oh, the guy who brought you here? He needs to be warded."

"Which ward? Bring me to him now!" Ryujin snatches away the bandage and tape on her hand with rage, climbing down the bed and pulls the nurse's hand to follow her so that she can guide her to Yuta.


Yuta is lying there. His face is pale and Ryujin almost crying to see him in that condition. She holds his bandaged hand carefully. Tears start to run down through her cheeks. "Oppa, please wake up... Jebal..." Her sobbing turns louder.

"Yaa, don't cry... You look ugly... Aigoo, look at that mucus..."

Ryujin tilts up her face when a hoarse and weak voice is heard.

"Oppa..." Ryujin is still tearing up, but this time she wipes her nose instead.

"Aigoo so you see me in this condition... Hey, listen, I'm not weak or what, I just..." He tries to get up but end up fall back to his lying position. "W-Why it's hard?"

Ryujin laughs and latches her hand on Yuta's torso, stopping him from keep on trying to get up. "Stop it, you don't get enough blood yet." She points her mouth to the hanging blood drip and IV drip beside the bed.

Yuta is shocked. "I-I was injected? Ryujin-ah... Save me! Get rid of these now!" Yuta tilts his head to the left, avoiding the sight of his hand is patched by the plastic tube.

"I can't help you this time. You need to befriend with those until you are totally fine!"

"But please..." Yuta shows her his cute face.

"Ani... You know you are scared of injection yet you still came out with the crazy idea? How could you even think of losing that fucking lot of blood just for that plan? I told you not to but look at how stubborn you were. You know that deep wound won't heal easily it might stay till you grow old! Are you losing your shit or what? You love your body so much, you even said you won't change your body with anyone even if that person is Zac Efron. But you doesn't mind to leave that deep scar on your hand?" The words slip out from her lips as fast as her tears run down from her eyes.

"Hey, hey stop nagging! And stop crying too! Aigoo, so this kid is now even using harsh words to talk to me?"

"You deserve them!" Ryujin gives him a deadly glare.

"Ryujin-ah... Forgive me... It won't seem real if the blood is just little. But you really made me worried when you fainted for real. It's out of plan."

"It's nothing... The nurse told me that it was just the effect of intense emotional stress. You drove me nuts you know? But by the way, did you cry at that time? You did, right? Geojitmalhajima" Ryujin says teasingly. She even tickles his stomach, making him laughs. It's not fair if she's the only one who cries a lot for her jerk boyfriend.

The whoosh sound of the sliding door attracts their attention.



"We went to your room, but you're not there. What are you doing here? Are you okay? Why is Yuta the one who's lying? What happens? Are you really okay, Ryujin?" Seunghwan approaches his daughter, hugging her tightly. He won't let her hurt again. Never.

"I'm okay, Abeoji..."

"But for real, what is happening?"

Yuta bites his lip and looks at Ryujin.

Ryujin looks at Woobin.

They keep on looking at each other as there is a baton-passing race.

"Mianhae, cheongmal mianhae, Abeonim... I need to do that for everyone's sake. Also, this is hyung's request."

"I also requested him to do so. How could you bet on your daughter's life, huh?" Ryujin pouts, so that his father will know that she's sulking.

"So everything was just a plan? To give me a lesson?" Seunghwan is in a great shock.

"Mianhae, Abeoji..." Woobin and Ryujin say in unison, showing their cute face to him.

"Aigoo, these kids!" He rubs his nape, gives it a little massage. They are really a great pain in the neck!

 They are really a great pain in the neck!

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The next chapter will be the ending. Stay tune!

And yes, I reached Chapter 15 so I will publish Mark's ff soon. Check it out! 😜😜

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