16 (ending)

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15 years later

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15 years later...

"It's a boy!" With her handphone still sticking to her ear, Makiko tells Yukie.

"It's a boy?" Yukie looks at Hina, smiling.

Hina runs to the office room and opens the door. "It's a boy!"

And it shocks Jeno who is sitting on the leather seat. "Hina-chan, I told you not to barge in like that. But wait, what did you say? It's a boy?" Jeno shows an excited face.

"Ne... Where's Otousan?"

"I think he's taking a stroll at the pond." And right after he ends his word, Hina runs to the door, heading to the backyard where the pond is located.

"And I told you not to run like a kid!" Jeno yells, but he guesses Hina is not even listening to that.


Throwback to some years before...

Yuta and Jeno sit properly and they are facing Masato. They are doing the seiza - knees on the tatami and buttocks on heels.

"As you know, I'm getting older and it's time to give my heir. Yuto is the one who should be the next leader as he is blood-related with ancestor Nakamura. But he totally against it. So it should be Yuta, my first son. But after thinking for quite a long time, I've made my decision. The fifth-generation leader will be Jeno."



"Why me, Otousan? I'm just a son-in-law. And Yuta is extremely talented. I'm nothing compared to him," Jeno asks, in Japanese - he mastered the language as Masato wouldn't let him got married to Hina if he doesn't.

Yuta is speechless. What did he do wrong that makes him loses the heir?

"I'll make you a great leader. I knew you'll say that. And I don't deny that Yuta is my precious son and he really takes his greatness from me. But he did failed some aspects. Listen, Yuta. And Jeno. A yakuza leader can't act according to their emotion. They can't take any decision without thinking it seriously. And they need to be tough, have sturdy stand for their own self and also their gang. And you failed these three, Yuta. You didn't fight back for yourself just because the attacker was a girl. You harmed yourself, cutting such a deep wound on your palm just for a plan to make sure that family would be happy. You can't sacrifice yourself for others-"

"But it's also for us. He did betray us, I just wanted to give him his lesson." Yuta cuts off his dad's long words. He knows his dad will be overwhelmed with madness whenever that thing was brought up. Well, he knows that his dad just hates the fact that he was been injured.

"Baka! Do you think $ 200 000 000 was a big deal for us that you need to cut your hand just for it? Is your blood too cheap that you can easily splash it anywhere? As cheap as a flowing waterfall, huh?" This time Masato can't stay calm. RIP that seiza. He's now hitting Yuta hard - he always does that, hoping that it will make his son gets his sense back. But it doesn't seem so.

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