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"Jeno-yah, are we seeing it right?" He whispers to the guy beside him

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"Jeno-yah, are we seeing it right?" He whispers to the guy beside him.

"I think so, " he replies, also in a whisper before closes the door.


How's your wound? Is it better? - Ryujin

Not sure. I don't even unwrap it yet. - Yuta

Why? It's been a day. The bacteria might grows, you know? Don't you afraid of that? - Ryujin

I'm so afraid. Ottoke? 😱😱 - Yuta

Yaa!! I'm not kidding! Let's meet at the school infirmary this recess. - Ryujin



The bell rings and as typical junior high schoolers, they scatter to the door.

"So, canteen or mart?" asks Hina.

"I'm sorry guys but I have something to do. Bye!" Ryujin then walks away. No, she runs — excitedly.

"Is she really a high schooler? She seems like a minister. She always being busy." Hyunjin looks at her friend until she disappears from her sight. She just got excited as her two best friends are now getting back to how they used to be. Even though she still doesn't know what occurred between them, but who cares? The important thing is, they are getting closer. But maybe not too close as they have less time spent with Ryujin.


Ryujin unwraps his arm, repeating what she did yesterday. She really hates to see something creepy like this, but after all, that's her fault. She should at least be thankful to him for saving her life by doing this. "It's getting better."

"Jinjja? I hope it heals quickly. I suffer enough for not having a bath with my friends for a day. I can't imagine how to survive this suffer for a longer period." He's trying his best not to let his friends know about this wound or they might be curious. Everyone will if the cut is as big and deep as his.

"Hey, please watch your words when you talk to a kid." She hits his arm for that inappropriate words.

"Aarghh!! Are you going to kill me?"

"Mian, mian!" She's overwhelmed with guilt when she realised that she just hit the wound, covered by the gauze.

Yuta bursts out of laugh. "So you know how to apologise?"

Ryujin pouts, eyes glaring at the guy in front of her.

Looking at her reaction, he knows he said something wrong. Kid always sulk. "Kidding, kidding! So how about that psychopath?"

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