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"Yeoboseyo!" He walks out of his room when he received a call from his dad

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"Yeoboseyo!" He walks out of his room when he received a call from his dad. He won't be able to have a proper talk with his dad when he's in the room. He has 20 roommates though. Their room is the biggest room in the dormitory but even the biggest room won't be as big as it should be when there are 21 crackheads living inside it.

"What yeoboseyo? I'm your father and you dare to greet me in Korean? Are you forgetting that you're a Japanese?!" Yuta pulls away his phone from his ear when his dad starts to yell. Don't need to be that mad. It's just a confusion of language though.

"Moshi moshi, Otousan! Why?"

"That sounds more like my son. This Saturday, at 10 a.m., go make a deal with our new client."

"What? So I need to fly all the way to Japan just for this deal? Otousan..." He is going to refuse when his father stops him from doing so.

"No. Our client is Korean and you'll meet him in Seoul too. That's why I send you though. I won't send you if the client is Japanese." But then Yuta realises something strange.

"Wait. Otousan, are you saying that we have a Korean client? Since when?" He's quite excited to know that.

"This is just the starter. This Saturday morning, our people will fetch you. Yuto will be with you too."

"What kind of deal?" He somehow is getting used to this kind of thing. He's the heir after all. He's not a delinquent. He hates to involve in a fight. Yeah, he's a bubbly person. But as a yakuza gang's successor, he sometimes needs to involve in the fight and make sure he wins the fight on behalf of his father's gang — to adapt to his living style.

"Shin Group, the ace in the IT so we'll make a collaboration. Tell them we'll gonna pay them 55 000 000 $ for IT service. But if they want to be our business partner, then tell them we'll divide it into 60-40. Wakarimasuka?"

"Hai, wakatta." Yuta is glad. He decided to study in Korea just to have some fun and to explore whilst he still young before he becomes the gang's leader. But who knows that can actually open up a bigger opportunity.

"Yuto will explain the rest to you. I trust you, son."


She turns on the laptop, and connect it to an external hard disk. The screen now shows a movie. "Yeay! Let's watch this!"

Hina is lying on Ryujin's bed and Hyunjin sits at the side. That's how they usually gather in the room as Hyunjin hates it when others touch her bed.

Ryujin can't join Hina and Hyunjin for the outing tomorrow so she asked the two to watch the movie with her.

"This is a serial movie. Are you planning to finish all the series tonight?" Hina asks.

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