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Seunghwan runs to get his daughter but immediately stops as Yuta grabs back the knife and point it to him, right in front of his nose

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Seunghwan runs to get his daughter but immediately stops as Yuta grabs back the knife and point it to him, right in front of his nose.

"Don't come near her! I'll only let her be rescued if you settle the bet. We won the bet. She's nearly dead so give back the $ 200 000 000. We treated you well as our business partner, yet this is what we get in return?" Yuta says, embracing the unconscious Ryujin tightly.

"I-I-I will, but please save her first!" Seunghwan almost going insane. The regret, the fear of losing his precious daughter, everything is just too mixed up in his head right now.

"Sign the check first or I'll stab her again, this time right at the heart. You know she can't survive after that."

"P-please don't!" Seunghwan brings out the check that he always carries in his pocket, hands shivering while writing the amount and signing it.

Masato is totally speechless to see his son like this. He never expects his cheerful son would change to such a determined guy like this. Even until now, he can't believe that this is his son — for real.


"Faster!" Yuta shouts to his driver. It's not that the driver can't hear him, but to let he knows how critical this situation is.

His hand keeps on slapping Ryujin's face, hoping that she will show some response, but she does not.

The tears now are running faster as he starts to regret his action. "Ryujin-ah!"


Seunghwan kneels down. He loses his soul. He was surely mistakenly judged Yuta. "Arghhh!!!" He shouts out loud, banging the rocky ground till his hands bleed. He even lying on the ground with tears. This is his biggest regret in his whole life. He shouldn't bet on his daughter's life. He shouldn't underestimate others, he shouldn't ignore Woobin's words. He regrets everything!

"Abeoji, I know how you're feeling right now. But we can't change anything. Let's go to the hospital." Woobin comes to his father, trying to calm him. He's overwhelmed too. He doesn't want to lose Ryujin. But he knows he can't get too emotional. Things will get worse if both his father and him are dragged into their emotion.

"I-I can't. I'm afraid to see the future. What if Ryujin... Ryujin... I can't forgive myself!" He's going insane.

"Abeoji, jebal... Ryujin needs us. We need to support her. Gaja, Abeoji. That's the least we can do." Woobin helps his father to stand up and walks him to the car.


As they reach the hospital, the driver opens the door and Yuta carries Ryujin in bridal style, running to the emergency department and puts her down onto the emergency bed with the helps from two staffs. Ryujin then is brought to the emergency ward.

Yuta follows the staffs to the emergency ward even if he knows he won't be allowed to stay with Ryujin once they start to treat her. But at least he's there.

He starts to take some steps forward when suddenly his legs become weak. His sight is spinning, the floor is moving and he's too weak to even open his eyes. He falls down on the floor.

"Mister, mister, wake up!" The nearby staffs start to surround him and another emergency bed is brought, this time it's for Yuta. The medical officer checks him and the last thing Yuta could hear is, "he's running out of blood!"

Oh damn.

Oh damn

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