Chapter 20

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"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Thomas... Why is that all I can remember?" the new greenie replied.

Newt sat beside me and Chuck and Thomas sat directly in front of us as we ate our lunch.

"That's all any of us could bloody remember. Greenies and their questions..." Newt mumbled the last part.

"Why are you the only girl?"

I shrugged and started picking at my food. I couldn't eat. I was so nervous for tonight my stomach was doing backflips.

Just thinking about it made me anxious and worried. I wasn't in the mood for talking and answering questions.

"Eve, what's wrong?" Chuck asked. I ignored him and stared down at my plate.

I could see Newt shake his head at Chuck slowly in my peripheral vision. I quickly flicked my eyes up to look at Chuck, who sunk into his chair.

No one knew but Newt. He was the only one. I wonder what he'll say once I'm gone.


I've been waiting for it all day. Bedtime.

I laid in my sleeping bag when everyone else did. But Newt and I stayed up past when everyone finally fell asleep.

At this point I was weeping, hugging my knees, and rocking back at forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

"You have to believe in yourself. The only way your going to get through this is if you are confident about the decisions you've made," Newt said from the side.

I was being a coward. I've been acting a coward since the dream. He's right. There's nothing else I can do. I have to be confident. I have to be brave.

I dry my tears. And slowly stop the rocking.

"How much longer?" I say in a low, worn out voice.

"An hour."

I look up at Newt. I'm sure my eyes are puffy and bloodshot. The moonlight reflects off of his face to show a nervous, sad expression. This is probably just as hard for him as it is for me.

"Is there anything I can do? At all?" he asks, desperate to help me.

"Just... stay with me. Until it's time."

He crawls up to me and holds me in his arms. My head is against his chest, and I can both hear and feel his heart beating.

"You once told me that this was the right thing to do. You said that everything was going to be okay if we followed through with this. I'm having a hard time believing that," he whispers.

"It is true. We'll be alright..." I trail off as a thought pops into my head, "Will you promise me something?"


"If I don't save you, if something happens and I can't get you out of here..." my voice fades out. I don't know how to put it, "You'll get out eventually. If it's not me who gets you out, promise you'll save me?"

Newt grabs my hand and squeezes it, "Of course."

I hear the box come to a stop underground from far away. I gasp at the noise.

"Are you ready?" Newt asks. The remaining time went by fast.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say. I remember saying that to him as a remark when I got here.

He helps me up and we walk toward my doom, hand in hand.

We reach it and the box is there, ready to go. I let out a sigh and Newt takes me into his arms. We hug for an extraordinary amount of time. I could stay like this forever.

He finally breaks away and leans down to my height to face me. He's looking into my eyes, lips only centimeters from mine.

"Promise me one thing," he whispers and his lips brush against mine a few times.


"Promise me that this won't be our last kiss," he says, and kisses me. It's passionate and meaningful. Like he's pouring every last bit of love he had for me out into a kiss. I'll never forget this.

I am the one to finally break away, "I promise."

A single tear rolls down my cheek as I climb down into the box. Newt closes the doors.

I grip the walls, bracing myself for the tremendous fall I am about to encounter.

"I'll see you soon?" I say.

"I'll be waiting for that kiss." he says.

A tear escapes his eye as he says, "Goodbye."

And then it dropped.

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