Chapter 2

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Brandon's POV:

Geez, what's her problem. Shouldn't she be happy that her little brother likes my present? You know what, she can be that way, I don't care.

"I can't believe you actually came." Charlie laughed, as he approached me.

"What can I say. I love parties." I smirked.

"Yeah, well you better enjoy it fast, because we may be leaving any minute now. It's getting late. Even the children went home already."

"And that's when the real party starts." I nodded. He shook his head at me. "Ok well I guess I'm going to go enjoy it now." I said walking away from him.

I looked around to see if there are any vunerable ladies I could soothe. Sadly, there's only one. Elizabeth, was sitting on the table alone, making drawings with her index finger, while resting her cheek on her other hand. She look sad. Everyone else is too busy talking to one another to notice.

Should I go there? Or just pretend I didn't see her?

If I go there, she would probably just get mad at me... But if I don't then.. You know what, why should I care. She's always moody, serious, and uptight. Plus she's so not my type.

I decided to just let her be, and moved on looking for chicks in a different place.

Charlie's POV:

"Ok Brad, nice to meet you. But I think I'm going to have to hit the road, its getting late." I said. Ok it's partly true, but I have to admit I have to get away from the guy. He's so rude, he does not even have one nice thing to say about anyone. And when he does, he has a way of saying it in a dirty way.

"Oh bummer." He said, disappointed. "Well come visit again. Then we could hang out."

I hope not. "Ok sure." I smiled, waving at him. Good thing I won't have to see the guy again. I went to go find Elizabeth. I found her sitting on the table watching her little brother play, with Brandon's present.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I know this is family reunion and all but we have got to hit the road. It's getting late." I spoke to her.

"Oh yeah, no, no I'm sorry. Of course, let me go say goodbye to my family first." She said, standing up. I nodded.

"And let me go find Brandon wherever he is." She rolled her eyes at what I said.

She went to say goodbye to her family, while I went to look for Brandon. I looked everywhere, and couldn't find him. So I decided to go check the bedrooms. But of course I knocked on each one before opening. After a while I finally found Brandon. Yep, in one of the bedrooms, with some blonde. Seriously? Where does he find these girls.

"Sorry to jump on your parade, but we have to go Brandon." I said.

He sat up on the bed, and turned to look at the blonde. "Hey, it's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope we can bump into each other again sometimes." He winked at her. She smiled amd gave him another long disturbing kiss. I looked away.

"Put some shirt on and meet me outside." I said, walking out.

"Ok Brandon's coming." I said when I met up with Elizabeth. She gave me a look that says 'there's some bad news', but before she could speak, her mom came and said, "Nonsense, you guys are staying here for the night. It's already 10, I am not letting you poor children drive at this time of night."

"But mom." Elizabeth whined.

"No buts. Now you can sleep in your old room. Get your pajamas, and I'll give you everything else later." She said to Elizabeth. Then she turned to look at me. "Now you young man, will be sleeping over there, in the guest room next to Elizabeth's room. I'll go get you some of her dad's clothes, you guys look about to be same size. Wait here." She said going to her room.

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