Chapter 6

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Mayleen's POV:

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I instinctively move my hand towards the alarm clock and search for the off button. When I could feel it, I pressed it down. But the sound keeps on ringing. I kept on pushing down on it rapidly, getting annoyed by the second. Finally I gave up and lift my head up to see why it didn't turn off. That's when I realize it wasn't the alarm, in fact it was the hotel phone. Who would call this early?!

I quickly lift the phone and answered it in a lazy tone. What? I was sleepy.

"I need you pick up my suit from the hotel's laundry. It would be there ready by the time you get there."

At first I didn't realize who it was, but then I figured no one would be that rude.. Except Mr. Grumpy. I was about to complain that it was still 5am and nothing would be open until 7 but he hung up.

I hung up the phone, then hid my face in the pillow before screaming. Once I let all my anger out, I went back to sleep, thinking just five more minutes.

When I woke up, the sun was shining on my face. I could feel the warmth and it felt good. I stayed there smiling, with my eyes still closed.

Then I suddenly opened my eyes and a horrified look came over me. I quicky looked at the clock to see that it was 7. Two words. I'm screwed.

I quickly got up and started to run around the hotel room like a complete moron, getting ready. I took a quick shower (not wanting to smell and get criticized by Mr. Grumpy), then put on some neat clothes that I think would be appropriate for work, and make me look more professional. Then I got out and hurriedly went to the laundry.

"Good morning, um.. suit for Mr. Roberto?" I said, while trying to catch my breath from all the running. The laundry lady just looked at me with a blank expression. She turned to the neatly ironed black suit behind her, and handed it to me, without saying anything.

I was about to ask how much was the cost, when she said, "Payment has already been settled."

Of course it has. I should've known.

I gave her an awkward smile, before leaving. After that I hurriedly went to his hotel room. I knocked on the door vigorously, hoping for some kind of miracle, that time would turn back.

I was still knocking, when the door suddenly opened, making me almost hit Mr. Grumpy in the face. Luckily, he had quick reflex and backed up. The 'oops' look appeared on my face. I was about to apologize when he beat me to it, and spoke first.

"Just in time." He said, before leaving the door open, and went back to his breakfast, which looked almost finished.

I followed him in and closed the door. Wait what? I thought I was late? I spoke my mind.

"Wait? What? I thought I was late?" I asked, very confused.

He looked up from his breakfast and calmly replied, "Well I knew you were going to fall asleep again, and wake up around 2 hours later. Then you would think that you're late and you'd rush here, and that's when I need my suit." He shrugged and went back to finishing his breakfast.

My eyes widen from shock and anger. Is he for real? So I rushed all the way here for nothing?

I stood there silently, not knowing what to do. Should I sit? But then that would be impolite. But if I keep standing, then I'll look like a complete fool.

Before I could make up my mind, Mr. Grumpy stood up and walked towards me. I'm guessing he already showered by the strong after shave scent on him.

He raised his eyebrows, and looked as if he expected something from me. I gave him a confused look.

"My suit?" He asked. I looked down at the suit I was holding, and blushed.

"Oh yeah sorry." I stuttered, giving him the suit. He took it and went to his room.

I stood there again, awkwardly. I looked around. The hotel room doesn't look too different from mines, except for a few things here and there.

I kept on looking around the room, until my eyes landed on the not so closed bedroom door of Mr. Grumpy. I could see him shirtless. Wow he's been working out. I shook my head and snapped out of it. Ok wrong timing. Think of Charlie, think of Charlie. Thinking of Charlie made every other thought disappear. It calms me down. He calms me down.

I didn't realize I was standing there smiling, like a complete moron, until Mr. Grumpy snapped me out of it.

"No time for daydreaming. We got to get to work." He said in a flat tone. He put on his watch, and his shoes and walked out the door. I was still standing there, embarrased.

"You coming or what?" He turned around and asked.


Hey guyss! Like the book so far? I hope so, hahahaa. So I was wondering, I still cannot find the perfect person to portrait Zachary, any suggestions?? Comment if you do. Thanks guyss

- Jasmina out!

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