Chapter 15

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Elizabeth's POV:

I finally decided to go back ho- to the apartment. But just at the sight of it, all of the memories of Jack and I together comes rushing back. I couldn't go in there. I was about to tell the taxi to drive somewhere else, when I remembered the lasagna and red wine I set up. Oh, he would never get to taste my lasagna ever again.

"Can you wait? I'm just going to go in and get some things." I told the taxi driver. After he nodded, I got out.

I went in and quickly grab the lasagna, the wine bottle, and some money, just in case I didn't have enough money in my wallet to pay the cab. After I made sure I had everything I wanted to get, I went back into the taxi.

"Ok here we are Miss. Is this your last stop?" The taxi driver asked. I looked at the house.

"Y-yes." I stuttered. After paying and thanking him, I got out of the cab.

Why am I here? I wondered as I walk towards the house. Oh right because this is the only choice I've got.

When I reached the door, I stood there frozen. I would never have guessed that one day I would be standing here, in front of this house.

I raised my hand ready to press the doorbell, when I hesitated. Come on get yourself together, Eli. I took a deep breath, then pressed the doorbell.

Brandon's POV:
Meow meow meow

I looked at the devil staring back at me. What does it want from me? I wondered.


Is there a button to shut this thing?

I was focusing on winning a staring contest between me and the cat, when my phone suddenly rang, making me jump up in surprise.

"Hello? Brandon speaking." I answered.

"Brandon! What happened to Sophie?! Is she alright? Did you do something to her? Oh god." May yelled worriedly through the tone. Ow, I think I may have gone deaf.

"Brandon, answer me!" Nope, I stand corrected.

"First of all, OW! And second, yes your little de- cat is fine. In fact, she's here right now." I said, shaking my head at the cat. I could hear her exhale heavily.

"Can I talk to her?" Um.. Ok but I don't think you'll get a 'hi mama' from a cat.

"Sure, I guess?" I said, putting the phone close to the cage. The cat just looked at it and stuck her little paw out to try to grab it. It thought my phone was a toy.

"Hey, hey, get you're own phone." I said snatching my phone back. I shook my head, at the cat.

"Brandon I didn't hear her!" May yelled, which again, made me jump. Oh, now the devil shuts up.

"Well it decided to shut up, I guess." I shrugged. She sighed.

"Ok fine. I'm trusting you with her. Wait, where is she right now?" She asked, suspiciously.

"In her cage, looking at me, which is starting to creep me out." I said, looking weirdly at it.

"Brandon!" I jumped again.

"May, I love you, you're my friend and all but please, for the love of god, STOP YELLING."

"Ok fine." She said, trying to calm herself down. "What cage?" She said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, the pink one Charlie gave me, the one where there's a little handle to make it easy to carry." I said calmly. I could hear May giving a slap to Charlie, probably on the shoulders, and Charlie replying to a pained 'ow'. It made me laugh.

"Brandon, that's A CARRIER!" I flinched. Ok, I don't think she understood what I said about not yelling. "Please just get her out right now." She ordered.

"But then she'll run around and pee and scratch on everything." I whined. She sighed.

"Did you give her, her litter box, scratching post, and toys yet?" She asked, with an annoyed tone. I thought about it. Oops. I laughed nervously.

"She should behave after that. Please just take care of her, and no cage. Ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah no cage." I replied.

"Ok thanks." She said. Then she sighed. "I guess I haven't thanked you properly. Thank you, Brandon for taking care of Sophie. She means everything to me. So it meant a lot that you agreed to take care of her." She said sincerely. I smiled. Well, in that case, you're welcome.

"Yeah its no problem. I guess I'll get use to it. I'm sorry for putting her in a cage, by the way." I could hear her smile. "So.. How's you and Charlie enjoying your anniversary so far?" I asked, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Its really good actually." She said. I could tell she was really happy about the topic.

"What are you planning on doing?" I asked. But before she could answer, Charlie snatched the phone.

"A lot, which means we need a good rest tonight. So goodnight." He said.

"Yeah, yeah enjoy." I said.

"Kay thanks bro. Bye." Charlie said.

"Don't forget to feed her two times a day, full bowl! And water!" May yelled in the background.

I slapped my forehead. Food! Of course. After saying our goodbyes, we hung up the phone.

I quickly went to grab the cat's thing from the closet, and set it up in one of my guest rooms. I put the litter box, near the bathroom. Scratching box next to the bed, and its toys on the carpet. After I was done I brought the carrier to the room  and closed the door.

"Ok Sophie, please, PLEASE, behave." I told her, while praying silently. I slowly opened the cage. She got out. She looked around. At first she just sat there, but then slowly, she started to explore. After a while she went to the carpet, and played with her toys. Unbelievable. No destructions. Ah hah!

"Ok Sophie. You're important to May, which makes you a guest here. This room is all yours. Just please don't mess up the bed. I'll be right back with food and water." After saying that I got out. I got her food and water bowl and filled it. I went back to the room, finding her scratching on her scratching post. Huh, May was right.

"Here you go, eat up." Just as I set the food down, she immediately ran to me. She started gobbling the whole thing.

"Gee you're hungry. I'm sorry for takin so long to realize that." I said looking at it. Before I knew it I was petting her head, which did not bother her at all, and I find it nice. Pets aren't so bad. Just as I was petting Sophie, the doorbell rang.

Who could that be?

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