Chapter 5

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Mayleen's POV:

They're doing it all wrong. If they try to increase sells by targeting the consumers from German, it won't be as profitable as if they targeted the consumers from China. Should I say something? Should I share my opinion? No, May you're here to write down notes, not to share your opinions. I looked around the room, everyone were either listening to Mr. Rowell, or writing things down. Mr. Grumpy was listening intantly to what Mr. Rowell was sharing.

The meeting was almost over and they still got it all wrong. I have to step in right? If the business is not doing well, wouldn't my job be in jeopardy? Right? I have to step in. I took a deep breath, and raised my pen.

"E- excuse me?" I said, trying to get everyones attention. They all turn to look at me. Mr. Grumpy was giving me the 'what are you doing' annoyed face. I quickly looked away from him. "I was thinking.." I hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe this is a bad idea. Should I just sit back down and shut my mouth? No. I'm going to continue. ".. That maybe if we try to sell our products more in China, we'll get more profit, then if we sell in German. I mean if you see on page 33, excuse me." I said flipping the page from the book of the guy that is closest to me. "For the last three years China has bought more similar products like ours, than any other country." I stated.

"Yes, but more of our best clients are from German, and this guarantees profit. China is like foreign country to us." One of the business men pointed out.

"Yes I know, but with these hard facts, don't you think its enough to explore uncharted territories?"

Everybody went silent. Ok, what I had done might be a bad thing. I should've just sat down and kept my mouth shut. "Ok, that's all I wanted to say." I said in a quiet voice, then sat down. I looked down, hoping everybody would just forget what I said, and continue with what they were doing. I thought I was going to get fired, when Mr. Roberto spoke up.

"I think the young lady is right." He said. I looked up at him, and saw him smiling at me.

"She is?" Mr. Grumpy said in a surprised tone.

"Yes. Maybe we should try selling in China. From these charts, it has proven that what Ms.-" Mr. Roberto looked at, expecting that I say my name.


"What Ms. Campbell said has proven to be true." After he finished, people started to nod in agreement. Mr. Grumpy still had a confused look on his face, like he was thinking, but finally he nodded too.

When the meeting was over, I grabbed my things and headed to the door. The people from the meeting came and praised me on what I said. The only person that didn't praise me was Mr. Grumpy, which I'm totally okay with. I don't need his praise, in fact I wasn't even looking for praises, I just want to save my job.

I finished with everything by eight. The office was quieter now, because most of the people went home already. I wonder if Mr. Grumpy went home already? Pft, probably not, knowing him he's probably still in his office doing work. Can the guy just take a break for a second? It's like he's married to his work. Doesn't he have a life? But then again, when you're away from the people you love, I don't think you can enjoy your life.

Thinking about the people I love, made me sad. Will I ever go home?

Staying in a five star hotel alone is depressing. I have nothing to do, and I'm bored. I looked into my fridge, all microwavable foods. Man, I miss Charlie's cooking. I opened my phone.

To: Charlie
Arghhh I want some of Chef Charlie's homecooked meal!! :s

I closed my phone. Still feeling bored I decided to go out of the depressing room, and walk around the lobby. Just as I was walking to the elevator my phone buzzed. It was Charlie. A smile formed on my lips.

To: Mayleen
And you don't miss the Chef?

I was so busy texting Charlie back that I didn't see a person walking towards me, and bump into him.

"Oh I'm sorry-" I looked up at the person, it was no other then Mr. Grumpy. He nodded, his face expressionless. He went back to his phone and started walking to his room, which was two doors down from mine. You may wonder how come I got a cool hotel room, just like Zachary? Well, I guess Mr. Roberto still think he owed me and made my stay here more comfortable.

I was walking to the elevator when he spoke. "Hey.." I turned around with a confused look on my face, why would he talk to me out of working hour? "Good job today." He said, flatly before turning around, and continue walking.

Um.. Okay? I turned around and continue walking towards the elevator.

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