The chilling winter air froze her skin as she ran through the woods. Her legs felt like they were about to fall off. But she had to keep running. Holding the baby tighter to her chest she made it out of the woods and onto the main road. She didn't stop, couldn't risk stopping. She kept running towards the lights in the distance. The small town that sat in the centre of the dense forest.
A car appeared on the road behind her and slowed down at the sight of her. Stopping beside her its driver rolled down his windows giving her a concerned look.
"Are you okay miss?" He asked softly "Do you need help? I can drop the two of you in town."
"Thank you." She sighed taking a quick glance behind her. Trying to see if she was still being followed. As she reached for the door she noticed the driver's bloody knuckles and took a step back.
Just as she turned to run she was shoved into the side of the car. Her baby was ripped out of her hands and the man in front of her unwrapped the sheets covering her. He let out a growl when he discovered it was a doll and not the child they were after.
"Where is she?" He growled as his companion stepped out of the car.
"Far away from you. He'll never find her." She smiled despite the tight grip he had on her throat. Claws beginning to break her skin.
"We can still track her by scent sweetheart." He hissed with a malicious smirk.
"No you can't. I'm a witch remember. You won't be able to smell her for years. By the time my spell wears off she'll be long gone."
In a bout of rage the wolf snapped her neck and watched her drop to the floor. Her lifeless body leaning against the Jeep. Closing his eyes he let out a bone chilling howl. Seconds later more could be heard.
Richard Wilson's hands paused just above his keyboard when he heard them. Ignoring them completely he continued typing his research paper telling himself it was normal for wolves to howl. Despite his knowledge that the animals weren't indigenous to this area.
A few days in his parents cabin in the woods to finish his paper and have everything in order. If he had known getting his masters would be this stressful he would have just been satisfied with a degree. He was Twenty Five and most people his age were struggling to find work and figure their lives out. He was one of the lucky few that were at least doing something. And weren't neck deep in student loans.
He had no idea that for the past month he had been watched. His house and the cabin broken into on occasion. He had no idea someone had figured out who he was and had entrusted him with something of utmost importance. It wasn't going to be until one in the morning when he retired to bed that he would find the baby girl asleep in his bed. And it wouldn't be until he moved her that he would find the letter asking him to watch over her. Telling him what she was and just how important his guidance would be.

WerewolfMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...