"I need to talk to you." Zale said that afternoon in the changing room. "It's important. I'm sorry about last night."
"What is it?" I sighed looking up at his face.
"Not here. After work meet me at the beach. I'll send you directions on where specifically."
"I'm supposed to trust you?"
"You can bring your bodyguard if it makes you feel any better." He groaned. "Please."
I was quiet for a while. Iliana looked a bit scared of him and he worked here and didn't seem affected by Marina last night. Also he lived within the walls of the Vlassopoulos castle. Maybe he could know something and probably help.
"How will you send directions you don't have my number or anything."
"I got it off your folder this morning." He shrugged.
"Fine. But I'm bringing Ken with me." I told him.
"Perfect. The more the merrier." He sighed before walking out.
According to Kenji Ryan hadn't been much help. But he did tell him quite a bit about Zale. He'd been working here as long as Marina. According to Ryan who was one of the first employees of Siren and had lived here his whole life, Zale showed up in the town about three years ago. He lived within the walls of the castle but rarely spent time there.
He was almost always seen by the beach or in some coffee shop. Anywhere that wasn't the Vlassopoulos strong hold. I didn't know how he knew this but I figured if you live in a small town all your life if someone new shows up you find a way to know everything you can about them.
Tonight went down like last night only there were no supernaturals i the club this time. But the trance like vibes and puppet movements and dancing was still present. And Zale was still immune. He didn't have on the collars like the guards but I did notice to gold bracelets on his wrists like the genie from Aladdin. Maybe he was genie.
Nope doubt it. But it was possible. Hector probably wished for a siren to be under his control and absolute success but kept one wish so that Zale wouldn't leave. Or, I shouldn't have watched Aladdin with Xander before coming for work. Yeah it was probably the second one. I mean Genies aren't real right. And Ken said he had a suspicion of what he was but would need to confirm it.
After my shift was over I informed Kenji of what Zale said and texted Xander to say we'd be running late. Zale had sent some directions. And 30 minutes after the club we stood in a hidden cave with almost midevil looking torches on the walls providing light. Zale stood in front of us looking almost uneasy.
"You wanted to talk." I said crossing my arms.
"I wondered how you were able to resist Marina. Should have known you were a witch. A powerful one at that by the way you achieved a spell to block out her song."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Marina's first song is a witch proof. No spell can block it. Every form of magic but one is powerless to it." He said tilting his head.
"Get to the point of why you called us here Aqualad."
"Stop calling me that." He growled.
"Why? Am I getting close."
Aqualad. Kenji's nicknames were always plays on what type of creature we were. My eyes widened as I looked at Zale.
"You're a mermaid."
"Merman." He hissed.
"Same thing."
"Zale why did you call us here?"
"I've been watching you today. I couldn't get past that little barrier around your cabin but I could still see enough of the house and inside to know that I could use your help." He said.
"Help with what?"
"You're here to free Marina. I want out too."
I looked at the witch in front of me and waited for her response. No not witch. Demon. Only demon magic could work against Marina. That's why Hector banished them all to the underworld. And made it so none of them could come to the island. She had to be a demon and a powerful one at that if she was here. She felt human from what I could sense but there was an underlying power there. Immense power.
Probably a succubus. I thought resisting the urge to eye her. It took a whole lot of self control to keep working back at the club. The red wetsuit complemented her skin tone. Made her even more seductive. Red suited her and that made me convince myself even more that she was a succubus. I only had such reactions to merfolk. Never anything not of my species.
"Explain. You're not saying everything." Her bodyguard said.
"Three years ago Hector found an old spell book and was able to trap a demon. A very powerful one at that. More like a demon prince. He ruled one of the circles of hell. But he spent most of his time here in Greece. He loved the high life and Humans. We were aware of his presence even though we never spent time on land.
My Kingdom is below the Mediterranean Sea. Marina was next in line for her father's throne and I was her guard. With the help of the demon he trapped he managed to enslave her and me along with her because of the bond we shared as protector and princess." I said lifting my wrists to show my shackles.
"I saw those on her today when she was being dragged out." He said looking at her.
"If you're bound how come you're not being watched 24/7. How come you're not hidden? How should we know you aren't lying?"
"I'm useless to them. I wasn't what they wanted. I just came with the bond. The only reason they didn't kill me is because Marina lied and said if I died so would she. They have me work at the club in case they need the extra muscle. Aside from what I can do whatever I want as long as I don't die. He's too comfortable with his power because he knows I can't physically leave this island and the only creatures that can break the spell can't get on."
"Demons." She whispered.
"That deal must have involved banning them off this place."
"If you want don't believe me. But the only way you'll be able to get Marina off this island is if you break the spell." I told them.
"We need to get him back to the house." The guard said looking down at her. I knew a protector bond when I saw one. Though I couldn't figure out why she needed a protector.
"What if this is just a way to get us to let our guard down and infiltrate." She hissed at him.
"He's telling the truth. I felt something off about this place when we landed but what he's said about the lack of demons makes sense." He told her.
"Xander won't like this." She sighed.
"I know." He smiled mischief in his eyes.
"You just love drama don't you."
Short chapter. Next one will be after my quiz tomorrow. School sucks but hey it's important.

Manusia SerigalaMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...