I don't know why I had never thought to contact Kenji through the link. Maybe because a part of me thought since he had gone with Mel there was a possibility he had blocked it. So when Luc brought up the idea once I had woken up I jumped at it. What I wasn't expecting was for Kenji to call me right before I could call him.
"Xander. Can you hear me?" His voice said just as I was settling down in the living room.
"Ken? I was just about to try and reach out to you."
"I'm sorry I didn't try earlier. I've been keeping an eye on Mel while she was resting. I obviously don't trust Alistair."
"How are you talking right now? When you had left you looked like you were in a kind of trance."
"I was in a sense. I was following an order. It's why I couldn't grab her and fly off with her towards you guys. She ordered me to follow her and Alistair and stay at her side no matter what." He sighed.
"Where are you guys?"
"I'm not exactly sure. But I do know where we're going."
"Well spit it out." I said getting impatient.
"I heard Alistair talking to one of his men to ready the troops in Russia. There's someone in Oymyakon he wants to end personally."
"Russia okay. When does he plan on getting there?" I asked.
"First, do you miss me?" He asked. I could picture the ridiculous smile on his face as he asked.
"Kenji now is not the time." I sighed.
"Fine I guess you don't want to know."
"Ken." I groaned.
"I've got to go wolfie duty calls."
"Okay wait."
"Yeeesss?" The asshole said sweetly.
"I miss you happy?"
"We leave as soon as birdy wakes up; I give it three hours tops. Just get yourselves there in time."
He ended the call and I opened my eyes noticing Lucian was standing closer than I left him, his still bloody blade in his hand.
"I know where they are. We'll need to move fast if we're going to catch them."
"Where?" Luc asked finally putting away the weapon before he stabbed anyone else.
"Where's that?" Richard asked confused.
"It's a town in Russia. It's the perfect place to have to altercation we're having. The town is basically abandoned with only about 500 inhabitants. -58 degree temperatures and 21 hours of darkness." Adonis said.
"Which means I can get us there." I said happy we wouldn't have to be contacting Dardanos.
"And how are you going to be doing that?" Richard asked.
"Ereboportation," Adonis said before turning to walk out of the room as if that was explanation itself.
"It's kind of like shadow jumping. Well it is shadow jumping. I can use darkness or shadows to teleport. But for this to work I'll need to try and get myself there first then once I'm familiar with the environment and where I need us to pop up I come back for these guys." I explained to them.
"I'm coming with you." He argued getting up.
"I can't put you in danger Richard you may be a hunter but you're..."
"Human? Well my daughter needs me. So human or not I'm coming with you to get her." He said before walking out.
"I like him." Lucian said.
"Shut up." I sighed before facing him. "If things go south..."
"I'll take care of her. I don't even have to ask you do I?" He chuckled humorlessly.
"No you don't. I'll take care of them both. Kenji and Adonis will help out." I joked. " Hopefully we both make it."
"Hopefully we all make it."
"Okay." I said as Adonis walked into the room handing me the blade I had relinquished to Kenji back in Greece.
"Let's do this."
Two more and I'm done. I'm so excited for this finale.

WerewolfMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...