"They shouldn't have known you were there. The necklace hides your sent and no one knows what you look like. They came prepared. Aside from the ones at the dinner a couple more were waiting around the barrier. They knew you'd be with wolves and a vampire and they were prepared for it. They didn't count on Kenji because no one but the both of us knows what he is." I said standing.
"What are you trying to say?" Mel asked scrunching up her face in confusion.
"That it was a set up. We were there long enough for them to get into position. Someone told them where we were."
"Who else knew where we were?" She asked. I shook my head and gave her a forced smile. I didn't want to think or accept that either Carlton or Annabelle could be behind this. But other than the three of us they were the only ones that knew where we were going. And it wasn't Kenji because he was fiercely loyal to Mel.
"Forget it I'm probably wrong."I said shaking my head again. "That'd be saying there's a traitor in camp. And I don't like the idea of you not being safe here."
"Maybe you're right." She said. No I couldn't be right. But maybe someone had seen us. Yeah that was it. Someone had seen us leave. The traitor wasn't one of us it was someone in the camp.
"No I'm not. You should get some rest. I shouldn't have brought it up."I said walking towards the door.
He hit the steering wheel continuously remembering how it was so clear that day but I had refused to see it. Yes I had been cautious around Carlton but I never thought he'd be the one to do it. Looking back now I could see the hints from when I had been back home.
My absence over the years looking for Lucian and staying in Egypt with him and Kenji and Adonis meant I wasn't really there to watch my brother or notice anything off. When I had come back when Mel showed up he was acting distant but I figured it was just us growing apart.
But now I saw all his weird disappearing acts and the attitude he would suddenly have out of nowhere. That night he had been the one to suggest us leaving the camp and going to Carlos'. He knew Kenji had fallen in love with their burgers the first time I had brought him with me for Christmas so he knew Ken would back him up.
He had the least injuries out of all of us. Looking back I barely even saw much of him during the fight. How could I have been so stupid? Conversations we had had were coming back to me now and they were all hinting at it but I had never seen it. Brushing it off. Too focused on Mel to see my brother was lying to our faces. Planning to stab us in the back.
I slowed down as I got closer to Andormyn. Adonis had thought it'd be a good Idea to have me head out and get us some supplies. I had been driving for hours passing several towns on purpose. I had one ssole destination in mind.
Stationed on the Western side of a thicket, the metropolis of Andormyn is home to goblins lead by Commander Tinkbelex. Tinkbelex was an old friend of great grandfather. He had left the camp and built this town to house many of his kind. We had helped keep it hidden.
This metropolis wasn't built by a thicket by accident, as it has an abundance of minerals, which is of great importance to the people of Andormyn and its success. The metropolis itself looks sublime. With its spruce wood rooftops, birch wood walls and majestic fjords, Andormyn has a charming atmosphere.
The main attraction is the guard tower, which was built 42 years ago and designed by trolls. Andormyn has a thriving economy, which is mainly supported by farming, animal training and carpentry. But their biggest strengths are advanced medicine and ancient wine brewing techniques. The goblins kept their town in a sense more medieval. Modern technology was a rare sight.

Hombres LoboMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...