Chapter Thirty

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Xander's Necklace.


My eyes fluttered open sound slowly returning. I tried to sit up but was restrained. I was chained to what looked like an altar with iron chains. I knew the iron would keep me bound. It was a weakness for both my phoenix and for me as a witch. I wasn't placed directly on the stone of the altar. I slept on a bed of what smelt like flowers. When I turned my head and got a good look at one I cursed.

Lobelia. The flowers weakened a witch by preventing concentration and the flow of magic. I guess it was an extra precaution. My body already felt weak and heavy.

Across from me another altar stood and Carlton was in front of it with what looked like my mother's book of shadows. He noticed I was awake and smirked walking towards me.

"Glad to see you're awake. What symbol do I need to finish the Daeva summoning spell?"

"You shouldn't try to summon it Carlton." I warned.

A Daeva was a shadow demon. It wasn't like the others though. It didn't need a host to move around like the others. It was invisible but you could see the humanoid shadows in the presence of some artificial light. It was a killing machine. A dangerous pet to whoever summoned it.

"What symbol?" He yelled in my face running a thick iron nail on my hand. The contact burning my skin. I screamed in pain.

"Zoroastrian!" I hissed out making him stop.

"Good girl."

"Carlton why are you doing this?"

"My father is going to create a new world with your help. Wipe out the weaker species. The weaker wolves. Give this planet the fresh start it deserves. Under the ruler it needs."

"Logan is doing this?"

"I am." A voice said from the shadows.

A man stepped out and Carlton took a step away from me. He looked like Logan. But he was like an older version of Xander. The way Carlton resembled Logan. I guessed who he was before he even introduced himself.

"Alistair." I said. He gave me a sarcastic bow and smiled.

"It's great to see you again my dearest daughter in law."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on Mel you're smarter than that. You know exactly what he means. You already put the pieces together in your head. You just don't want to admit it." Carlton said.

"Why don't you give us a minute son?" Alistair said.

Carlton nodded and walked out of the room leaving me alone with his psychotic father.

"The poor boy is too caught up in wanting to prove himself he doesn't realise when he's being used."

"Why would you do that? He's your son."

"The only thing he got from me was his thirst from power. The son I'm proud of is much more useful. When I mated with that traitorous Hailey I was already fully synced with the demon that had possessed me. I never expected it to be that much a part of me to be able to even pass it's genetics to one of my children.

I saw it first that first time we met. When he appeared in a cloud of black smoke to shield you from me. When his eyes glowed red like the demon he is. I went after Carlton years later hoping he was like his brother. But alas he was just a simple naive wolf with daddy issues and a need to prove himself because his twin won the genetic lottery.

If Hailey hadn't run away I would have raised Xander as my own little mini soldier. He would have made getting to you easier since he is your mate. But I guess Carlton has done a pretty good job."

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