I sat in the kitchen with a mug clutched in my hand. My dad's words running through my mind. He wasn't my father. That's what seemed to stand out in my mind. Not the fact that I wasn't human or that I held the fate of the planet. But the simple fact that he wasn't my father. My best friend, the man who raised me. He wasn't my father.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked behind me making me jump slightly. I turned and found Carlton leaning against the entrance before he slowly moved into the room.
"Yes. No. I don't know." I said honestly.
"It's a lot to dump on you in just two days." He said sitting across the counter in front of me.
"I guess." I sighed looking down before looking up at him. "You're being nicer."
"I was told to be." He shrugged.
"By your dad?" He didn't answer just smirked.
"You should get some rest. I'm supposed to take you on a tour of the place tomorrow and explain who we are."
"You mind showing me the way back?" I asked.
"No problem." He told me before leading me to my room. Once I got there I said goodnight and closed the door sinking into the sheets.
"I didn't know the first thing about raising a child. And as bad as it sounds for the longest time I only saw you as a kid I was supposed to look after. For a few months I tried to get Logan to get you off my hands. And then I started to love you. You're my little girl Mel. Whatever's happening now I know you're scared and if you're watching this it means I'm not with you. Everything's going to be okay. I love you Mel always know that."
I cried that night for the first time in a long time. Until I had no tears left and the rain put me to sleep.
I was woken up the next morning by soft knocking at my door. Dragging myself out of bed I was met by a smiling woman with a tray that had food. I looked at her in shock as she let herself in and set it down. She went to the window and drew the curtains frowning at the grey sky.
"Good Morning Sweetie. I'm Hailey Logan's wife. You obviously don't remember me."
"Am I supposed to?" I asked not meaning to offend her but just curious.
"Your dad used to bring you here a lot. You spent most of your time here up until you turned six and he got that job at NYU. Once you both stayed a whole year. This was your old room. I redecorated it to suit your age more when Richard said you were coming. Got rid of the unicorns." She chuckled.
I gave her a small smile and walked towards the tray.
"We all eat together but I figured you'd want to be alone. Sorry for the rumbling or if I seem excited when you aren't in the least bit happy about the situation. I just haven't seen you in years." She said softly.
"I understand." I told her smiling. "Has my dad been in contact with anyone?"
"I'm afraid not." She said frowning. "But I know Richard. He's probably leading his family off your trail."
"Are they that horrible?" I asked.
"I don't want to ruin your image of them" She said simply giving me my answer. They were horrible.
"I see." I said.
"I wanted to ask? I know it's the last thing you probably want but is it okay to throw you a party tomorrow? Carlton's brother is coming home tomorrow so we're already throwing him a welcome home party. I was hoping we could get a cake and make it a double thing. But if you aren't comfortable with it I understand."

WerewolfMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...