I really didn't trust this Gavin kid and neither did Kenji. He was setting Mel up. I knew the little fucker had a crush on Mel. He probably thought he was in love with her. But love didn't involve sending someone straight to their death.
We had left the next morning wanting to get this over and done with. As we flew to Manhattan we tried to come up with a plan of action. But I knew whatever plan we made with Garret would back fire if he was a traitorous little weasel. So Ken and I spoke through a mind link. It had freaked me out the first time I had developed a mind link with the lizard and I still partially regretted it because he like to abuse it.
"Gideon, Are you familiar with the Wilson house? It would help if we had a layout of where they're keeping Richard." I asked.
"No. That's why Mel should have come." He said glaring at me. The little punk.
"I'll just face time her and ask her to send a blueprint or something. Give us any information she can." Kenji said getting up and walking into the bedroom at the back of the plane.
"You don't deserve her." He said once Ken had walked out. I was waiting for that honestly.
"Of course I don't. No one does. That's why I consider myself blessed that the moon goddess chose me to be mated to her."
"Or just lucky." He scoffed.
"It doesn't work on luck. She's my soulmate. We complement each other. And we are equal. Even in power."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, Gary, that an alpha male always gets an alpha female. Or a female with the strength and spirit of one. Mel is a cosmic power. An embodiment of chaos. Her mate is to be her equal. So yes no one deserves her. But you see me; I'm not just an ordinary alpha wolf. I may not be made of flames or be able to destroy worlds but I'm just as dangerous." I said. I flashed my eyes for a second and watched him tense in fear. He knew that wasn't my wolf. That was me.
The rest of the flight was silent. We finally landed in Manhattan and took a car to Wilson Manor. Mel despite not being here had still been a great help. I wasn't expecting Grindelwald to make his move until we were inside the house. So when he pulled out his gun as we stood outside it was a bit of a shock.
"Don't do this Glenn. Why would you betray Mel like that?" I sighed turning around to face him. We were hidden in the shadows of the night in the woods behind the house.
"The Wilsons are my family. They took me in when a vamp murdered my parents in front of me and left me bleeding on the floor to die. They taught me how to kill creatures like you. Mel was going to help eradicate you vermin once and for all."
"You could have at least waited for us to get inside before trying to stab us in the back." I sighed.
"Don't go giving him ideas." Ken laughed.
"You act all tough but you and I both know you're not invincible. You can be killed Alexander. Both of you can." He smiled like a lunatic.
"Those bullets won't work on either of us." Kenji mumbled not bothering to turn around and face our trigger happy pal.
"Yes they will. They're silver laced with wolfs bane. One to the heart or head and you're dead."
"Hey he rhymed." Kenji chuckled.
"This isn't funny."
"Those bullets are meant for werewolves kid. I'm not a werewolf and Xander is something else entirely. I'd drop the gun."
"Shut up."
"I'd pull the trigger right about now if I were you. You only have one shot at killing me. I'd do it now if I were you because if you fail you'll regret it. Come on Gabriel pull the trigger."
He did as he was told and the bullet lodged itself into my chest. With a slight groan I smiled at him and watched his eyes widen when the silver was pushed out of my chest and I caught it in my palm. The hole sealing itself up. I help the bullet in my hand twirling it around.
"Okay. Now it's my turn."
The shadows around us moved wrapping themselves around him and completely blocking out any form of light plunging us into complete darkness. But I could still see clearly.
"So that's what blind people see. Absolute nothingness." Ken shuddered. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that little trick of yours."
"Neither will I." I sighed. "Great now I'm covered in blood."
Gabriel's body lay in pieces at our feet and I had his blood all over my shirt. I suddenly caught a sent I hadn't smelt in years but knew all too well. It was the smell of sulphur, burning flesh and blood all rolled into one. I knew who it was and automatically tensed.
"What's wrong?"
"He's here." I said. "I need you to get Richard out of here and head back to camp. I'll be right behind you."
"No you won't."
"I'll try. Just get him back to Mel no matter what and don't come back for me."
"God you're so dramatic."
"Hurry up he's getting closer." I growled. Kenji sighed and ran towards the house. I knew he'd do what I asked. I'd get back home.
Five minutes after Kenji had left he slowly stepped out of the shadows with a smirk on his face. More like strutted. His silver hair tied in a man bun. Eyes slowly changing from silver to obsidian.
"I wasn't expecting you here. I wasn't even supposed to come here. But when your brother informed me of the last minute change of plans I had to come see for myself." He chuckled darkly. I tensed at the mention of Carlton not wanting to believe what he was insinuating.
"You're not going to get to her."
"I already have. You left her vulnerable her two protectors across the country. A traitor among you that she trusts."
"If you touch her I will fucking kill you." I hissed. I could feel myself buzzing. Xerxes wanting to come to the surface.
"Now now. Is that anyway to talk to your father?" Alistair asked with a grin.
Sorry for the cliffhanger folks. But I just had to. It's been killing me keeping this from you guys. Now I can go write my exams in peace.
Kidding..... The updates are still coming. You do deserve an explanation.

WerewolfMel Wilson was living a fairly normal life. With only one year left before she graduates college she didn't expect everything to go wrong just three days before she turned 21. Shoved into the supernatural world and being the key to either stopping o...