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But I still noticed that Adrien didn't give me anything- I felt tears well up in my eyes (A/N: WHY DID I ACCIDENTALLY TYPE EARS INSTEAD OF EYES xD 😂), I knew he didn't care. Seeing him approach, I dried my eyes fast and smiled.

'Hey Marinette, happy birthday!" he handed me an envelope. "Open it!"

Feeling hugely relieved, I complied and opened it, skimming through the words. After I finished reading it, I looked up in shock, my mouth agape.




"What is it, is something wrong?" Alya said in a scared type of tone.

"ADRIEN THANK YOU!" I hugged him before I realised what I just did- I blushed and moved away awkwardly.

"S-sorry I was-"

Adrien just laughed. "No sweat, Marinette."

"Ok can someone PLEASE explain what's happening?!" the rest of the class yelled frustratedly.

"Chill Alya! It's no biggie, just Adrien gave me tickets for all of us to take a first class on a trip to Spain! It says here it's a camp called Camp Cheng!

"AND THAT'S JUST A HARMLESS NO BIGGIE?!" Alya practically screeched.

"I was joking, of course! I'm so happy!" I yelled.

"NO WAY! That's awesome Marinette!" Kim screamed.

"You are being serious, right?" said Max, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Of course! I would never lie to you guys." I replied.

"Isn't Cheng your Iast name?" Sabrina questioned.

"Oh yeah... it is. Has It got something to do with me?" I asked, turning to face Adrien.

"Yes, actually, it was your great nans, I thought you would've known." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Nope, I never knew. BUT HOLD UP- how do you know... just genuinely creeped out here."

Everyone laughed loudly, except Adrien, who had turned a deep shade of crimson. He managed to stutter out the words: "Oh, my father went through the history of it before booking the camp visit. That's the only reason I know, I swear!"

We giggled again and apologized for laughing.

"Anyway," he continued, "my father spoke to Mr. Damocles (A/N: sp?) about giving us a month off school, and he actually agreed!"

Everyone cheered at this part, me included.

"I believe we are going on Monday, so that gives us 3 days to ask our parents and pack." Adrien finished.

"This is all really sweet of you, thank you so much, Adrien!" I smiled, excited as I'II ever be.

"No problem Mari, now let's start our lessons for the day; we can talk about it after school, how about we all meet at the park after school as a little hangout?"

Everyone agreed.

"Then it's settled, see you then."

Alya's POV

Am I dreaming or did Adrien give Marinette THE BEST GIFT EVER??? Also, MARINETTE NEVER STUTTERED ONCE!!!!! Probably because she was excited though- she'II do anything when she's overjoyed like that.


Once we go on that trip, mission Adrienette is definitely a GO!!!

A/N: Third chapter of the day! Planning to do a fourth one too, let's see if I can!


Word Count: 511 words.


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