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A/N: 10th February 2021-As you may have noticed on my message board, I have to re-upload this because of a massive plot hole (see said message board for details). So there's a lot more fluff, and I fixed the plot hole! You will definitely want to read it again because of the fluff I almost died of cringe writing it but I'm happy-

I plucked a small glass of water off a nearby waiter's tray. I took a sip, relishing in the cold drink which was a sharp contrast to the stuffy atmosphere of the ballroom. While I might have had a slight disdain to these posh people, who could eat and drink as much as they wanted, I could see why these displays of grandeur attracted them to this life.

A large diamond chandelier (I heard someone chattering amiably behind me to someone else, who confirmed that they were real diamonds) hung from the ceiling, the walls surrounding the room- even though it felt like a prison- patterned with intricate swirls and depictions of what looked like a battlefield. The domed ceiling was glass, revealing a truly amazing view of the stars. I could sit there for hours and not get tired of the view. As much as I wished to do so, I had a mission to do.

I glanced around, my eyes sweeping the area for any signs of my comrades, for want of a better word. Amidst the swishing gowns and brightly coloured masks, I barely spotted them on the ballroom floor, Felix twirling my sister around as she giggled at something he was saying.

I smiled fondly, deciding to let them share a moment together before I joined them. We'd agreed to slip away right before the queen's speech, as the throng's attention would be directed towards her. I hoisted up my dress and walked away to the courtyard, where I could finally be alone.

Seeing my sister and Adrien's cousin reminded me of what- or, rather, who- I'd left behind at camp.

I wish Adrien was here...

I sighed, letting my hair flow free from my fingers and left to go back inside.

Once I was inside, I reached longingly for the food, because hey- you can't fight on an empty stomach!

Just as I was about to grab a plate, a hand touched my shoulder.

I spun around, fear, longing, and sadness pooling in me and reflecting in his eyes as I realized who the hand belonged to.

"Ladybug? Marinette?"

Oh god...

Adrien's POV

I stepped through into the ballroom with Father, Natalie, Kagami and her mother, a fake smile etched so deeply into my face it almost hurt to not smile.

I'd been scouring every place I could think of for days, trying to figure out where Marinette could've gone. To no avail. It was like she'd fallen off the face of the earth.

Father had obviously no clue about my dismal attitude. I still had to attend my regular photoshoots, ceremonies, parties and the rare ball such as this one.

I was downcast, there was no doubt about that. However, Alya, Nino and the rest of us were still clinging on to a last shred of hope (where we got it from, you couldn't ask me) but it was apparent that we were all beginning to lose faith.

Oh Mari, where are you?

As if sensing my thoughts, Kagami gently squeezed my shoulder, her smile warm and comforting. I smiled at her, not a fake smile, a real smile- my first one in ages. However, a simple smile could not compensate for how terrible I felt. I should have been there for Marinette- should've noticed what she was doing, should have helped her through it, should have stopped her from doing what she did.

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