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3rd Person's POV

Marinette stayed until everyone had left since she lived just opposite of the park. Once everyone had left, she went across the road into the bakery to see her mother selling pastries to a couple of the last costumers.

Marinette's POV

"Hey mama, hey Papa!"

"Hey sweetie, did you have a nice time in school?"

"Yup, and I got awesome presents!" I exclaimed, showing them the treasures I received.

"We wanted to wait till you got home to give you your presents since you were in such a hurry this morning!" Sabine explained, walking to hug Marinette. Tom came over and joined the hug, "Happy Birthday, my little girl."

They handed me:

-A new sewing kit

-Some cute new clothes

-Some jewellery

-A camera (my eyes popped out of my head when I saw this- not literally of course, because that would be GROSS!)?!

I giggle and said: "I'm not little anymore papa, I'm almost practically a young adult, I could start a life all on my own someday!"

"Ah, they grow up so fast!" my dad pretended to wipe away a few tears.

I laughed at his antics.

Sabine loosened the hug and went to prepare the dinner table. "Food will be ready soon, so I'II call you once it's ready."

Upon hearing this I ran upstairs (with all of the things I got)- and yes.

Before you ask.

I did trip on the stairs.

"Ok see you!" I hurried into my room to finish some homework- which was sad since it was my birthday, but hey- I gotta keep up my grades.

Once I was finished, I texted Alya:

(M-Marinette) (A-Alya)

M-Hey, have u asked about the trip yet?

A-Yep, and I'm definitely going! Wbu?

Omg, how did I forget??? I thought.

M- Not yet, but I'm pretty sure they will let me- it IS my birthday present after all!

A- Tru, oh sorry gtg byeeeee x

M-Byeeeee x

(A/N: GTG- Got To Go/ WBU- What About You?/ OMG- Oh My Gosh [I mean, I'm sure you guys know the last one, but hey])

At this point, I turned off my phone and began sketching some designs for the trip. But before my pencil can even touch the page my phone began to ring, VERY loudly...

"JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE TO DESIGN I BEG YOU!!!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

As I checked my phone, in total disbelief, I questioned (totally not to myself, nope, not at all): "Why is he calling me?!"

A/N: Another done!

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Word Count: 431 words


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