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WE HAVE REACHED 1k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I don't deserve this!

How did this happen? I have no clue!

Oh wait, I do.

My friend, CassieReading, told me she hadn't read my story yet, so she did to boost me from 982 to 1k!

But it's not just her, thank you to everyone who voted, commented, added to reading lists and read! You make my day, every time I open WattPad!

Let's get into Chapter 12!

Marinette's POV

Okay, I knew this was going to happen- it was just a matter of time before I realized what I did, and now, I have to face the whole class with their STUPID questions.

"I can't be famous Alix, I-I'm just a normal kid!" Alix made her way towards me and showed me my Instagram account. @OurEverydayLadybug had gained millions of followers, thousands of likes and comments, just from Ladybug and Chat Noir's comments. "WHAT?!" I screamed, taking out my phone to see if it was really true.

It was true.

I had people commenting questions on how I got two superheroes to comment on my post. Then again, people were also noticing my other posts- AND THEY ACTUALLY LIKED THEM!

"Even though I'm happy about people noticing me, this is Alya's fault! She used the words cool cat in her comment and that must've caught Chat Noir's attention. And then Chat caught Ladybug's, that's all." I looked back down to my phone and start searching up Adrien's username. Adrien had noticed and was seriously confused: "Why are you searching up my account?"

I didn't answer and carried on typing. I found his account, clicked it, checked the followers, and the number left me dumbfounded.

"I have more followers and likes than a famous model." I gasped, looking up at everyone, whose jaws were still dropped. I just kept staring at my account, still trying to process what happened Chloe walked up behind me and smirked. "Dupain-Cheng probably hacked Instagram and MADE those comments. Or she must have forced them into writing it! She's such a loser; she'd do anything for attention!"

Adrien's POV
Alright, she crossed the line! I was really angry because I certainly wasn't forced to write anything.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir weren't forced to do anything Chloe. I think all of us can tell that if they were forced, they still wouldn't do it. We all know YOU'D be the type to force them into doing it, so don't harass Marinette, you hear me?!"

Chloe stopped filing her nails to pout at me, then glare at Marinette. "Maritrash is a liar and she always will be. She's done TERRIBLE things to me in the past. She doesn't deserve all that love and all those follow-" she was cut off with Marinette pushing Chloe out the way to get off the coach. Chloe ended up falling onto a chair, lying fully on her back. Everyone got mad at Chloe and started defending Marinette, Except one.


I was trying to think of where she would have gone since she doesn't know the way around the airport properly. I pushed through everyone, pulling my hood up to avoid the fans, and went to find Marinette. As soon as I entered the building, I could see a raven-haired girl sitting at the phone charging table. I'm guessing she went there because there weren't a lot of people around (which was surprising, considering it was a phone charging table). I walked up to her and place a hand on her shoulder, lifting my hood of my head. She jumped at the contact and turned around.

"H-hey are you okay?" I asked.

Of course she's not OK, Agreste! She just got insulted by the plastic doll- I meant Chloe. She wiped her tears and pulled a fake smile.

I knew it was fake because I've pulled that smile multiple times in front of a camera.

"Y-yeah I'm fine I was just taken aback by Chloe's words. "She then stopped smiling and tears started to form in her eyes. "Am I really THAT useless? Is my life that much of a problem?"

I saw something in the corner of my eye and looked to where the movement was coming from. It was an akuma.


When I looked back to Marinette, I knew how to comfort her. I sat down on the chair next to her and wiped her tears with my thumbs. I smiled sweetly. "Your life is not useless. AII your friends and family love you and you have no reason to believe what Chloe says. In the corner of my eye, I saw the purple butterfly slowing down.

"If that piece of plastic is ruining your life then ignore her. Or come to me, because I will always be there to melt her with a hairdryer." We giggled quietly. Marinette stood up and hugged me, but gasped and ran over to the akuma, which had almost slowed down completely.

"Marinette, no! What are you doing?!"

She didn't answer and just grasped the akuma with her hands.

Marinette's POV

I needed to think of a lie before doing this so I stared at him and explained, "When Ladybug and Chat Noir started fighting evil, this man walked up to me and told me l had a kind and purified heart. He gave me this box of treats and once I finished them, I felt...different... So, ever since then, I can purify akumas. Because I have a kind place in my heart."

Good job Marinette.

Adrien's POV

She let go of the now white butterfly and looked back at me. "Please don't tell anyone."

I was still shocked but I was able to nod.

"Oh, and Adrien?" She walked up to me. I blushed; she was so close! She leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. I felt the blush increase TENFOLD. "Thanks for cheering me up." She smiled.

She started walking away. "Are you coming to face Chloe or not?" Marinette put her hands on her hips.

This girl has done something to my heart.


A/N: Guess who should have been doing work, but who decided to update for you guys?


Anyway, I really have to go, I need to go do History and RS work (*cue roll of eyes*)

Quick Question: Would you like me to that thing where I ask a question about the fandom each chapter? Please comment and let me know!


Word Count: words.


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