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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to wait until more people commented their choice from the last A/N, but I wanted to write the chapter as soon as possible! Anyways, according to majority vote, I will be entering Kagami into the story! I know a few of you wanted Luka too/ instead, but, heh, I kinda left Luka in Paris, but don't worry, I will make sure he's in the story! I have plans for him to come instead of protecting Paris! There's a good reason though.
Adrien's POV
We left the cabin and met up with the rest of our classmates, who were also making their way to the main hall. We strolled along the dirt path, laughing and chatting. I beamed, basking in the sunlight. It felt great to be free, chatting with my friends and not having to worry about my schedule or my father. It was a miracle he let me come, honestly! Though I think the only reason was for popularity...still...

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a high-pitched shriek. I turned to Chloe, and she was glaring fiercely at two teenagers looking down at their phones with a bewildered expression.

One had dark blue hair and piercing brown eyes, and the other blue-tipped hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Kagami and Luka were in town.


I looked over at my best friends, wanting to gauge their reactions. Alya and Chloe glared at both of them. Nino, to nobody's surprise, had his headphones on and his eyes closed. Marinette, however, was looking daggers at Luka, which shocked me. I thought she liked him (it better have been as a friend)! Marinette ran up and engulfed the other blue-haired girl in a hug. You could tell it caught Kagami off guard, but nevertheless, she returned the hug. 

"Marinette!" Kagami chuckled, once Marinette was satisfied she had broken all of the fencer's bones. They happily exchanged greetings. Marinette glared at Luka. "Why aren't you in Paris? Isn't there something REALLY IMPORTANT you should be doing?!"

Luka looked shocked as he stumbled back. 

Marinette seethed. She growled, "I'll be back soon, need to use the restroom." 

She stomped away.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I'd been holding. "Hey, Luka! Dude, what terrible thing did you do to rile Marinette up? I don't think I've ever seen her that mad!" I asked, stretching a fake smile across my face. 

Truth is, Luka is a great guy, but knowing he once held Marinette's heart kind of put a damper on our bromance- at least from my end. 

He shook his head. "I," he hesitated, "made a promise to someone regarding something extremely important. It confuses me how Mari knows though." 

My curiosity won over the desire to punch him in the face for using that nickname.

"Huh, that's confusing. I'll try to talk to her about it later." 

"Thanks, Adrien." 

Just as I was about to reply, a red blur whizzed past us and landed beside Luka. 

There, in all her glory, stood Ladybug, her mad expression only making her cuter.

She quickly glanced at me before looking away. A blush began to form on my cheeks.

Kagami noticed this and scowled at the spotted heroine.

Let's establish something first. Kagami is great and all, but I only see her as a friend. Hopefully, she catches on and realises that I don't like her back. For now, though, she still likes me. Anyways, back to the camp.

Oh, wait...

If Ladybug was in Spain...and so was I...then who was going to be protecting Paris? Ah well, she must've used the horse miraculous to get here.

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