0: Ghosted

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Atsumu Miya ghosted you.

You stared at his back as he walked passed you. His cold, unrelenting back was enough of an answer to the request you had sent him before coming here.

You had sent him a message earlier that day— that you would wait for his classes to end and that you needed to tell him something. But he left you on read, just like every other message you've sent for the last month. And he ignored you once again. But this wasn't new. This had happened for so many times that you would sometimes forget what his face actually looks like.

How did this happen again? You tried to recall. Did you do something wrong? Did you say something wrong? You repeated the questions like a trance. But you knew damn well the answers to those questions. You didn't do anything. You were just like your usual self. And he suddenly kept you at an arms length, until the distance eventually grew wider. Until, you simply couldn't reach him anymore. 

You had always forgiven everything he did. As long as he tells you the reason, you would understand and forgive him. But this was different. Especially when he wasn't even willing to talk in the first place. He treated everyone the same; you, being an exception. 

He was talking with people that crowded around him as he walked and he was laughing, his resonating laughter echoed inside the halls, as if it existed to mock you. 

But you sighed and scratched the back of your head as you looked at his leaving figure. It has already been a month since he last talked to you. And you diligently greeted and texted him although you would only get his stone cold silence as a reply. 

Then a girl who was following the crowd intentionally bumped into you and smirked when your phone fell with a loud thud. 

The screen cracked and it lit up, the light giving you a temporary hope that maybe it was just a little damage. That was before it shut down.

Your phone broke.

But that didn't really matter.

That day, you were going back home to your country. Your parents had called and they had pestered you about it for months. You initially declined, due to many reasons— reasons that made themselves no longer reasons. And today was different. 

In the lonely hallway where the sounds of laughter resounded all throughout, you stood alone. You were alone. For the very first time since you went to this country, you felt alone. And a single thought only echoed inside your head...

You wanted to go home.

And you did.

And that was the last day Miya Atsumu saw you.

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