Extra: Goukon (2)

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It happened at the middle of the goukon.

Everyone had already drunk a little and the twins were filled with company they had been ignoring. Well, company Atsumu Miya had been mainly ignoring. Miya Osamu was nice enough to entertain some questions although his interest in the matter was hard to read as usual.

The night had been more peaceful than he expected and maybe they'd get away out of this place, feeling nice and at peace.

Until one of the girls suddenly interrupt and sits across the Miya twin.

Ahh... He spoke too soon.

"I see you still haven't changed." The girl says and Miya Atsumu doesn't notice her at first, a little bored and preoccupied with his phone, just browsing photos of... bunny suits? In an online shopping website???

And it wasn't those funny bunny onesies. It was those provocative sexy bunny suits. Wtf Tsumu. He internally channels though if he thinks about it, he'd like his girlfriend to do the same too but he should probably get a girlfriend first before that. The gray head shakes his head to get his thoughts back in track.

The girl was still trying to initiate a conversation with Tsumu and Miya Osamu only glances at the whole thing. It was always a pain to see girls all over his twin. Especially when it was always these types of girls.

But when he realizes he isn't the one in his position, he was sort of relieved. He watches as she grits her teeth in impatience and she raises her voice.

"Atsumu!" She says in frustration and he looks at her, Osamu also doing the same thing.

She looks at him, eyes pleading and from the way she was looking at his brother, this was more than what they signed up for. Then she suddenly grabbed his phone.

Or tried to. But the man had an ironclad grip on his device and he suddenly looks at her. She must have expected some sort of playfulness on Tsumu's tone.

But Miya Atsumu was not the same Atsumu this girl probably knows a few years back and the tone of his voice confirms it.

"What do you want?"

He says coldly and she inhales a sharp breath. It felt like she was talking to a stranger. She wanted to confirm is she really was so she panicked, "Did you forget? I'm..."

Squeal (Atsumu Miya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now