Extra: Circles

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A/N: This was rotting in my drafts and I had to post it. Chapter is a little long but it gives Y/N a little backstory! Hope you enjoy!

"What do you mean by we can't sleep over? Aren't you living alone?" You hear from one of your friends over the phone.

One of your friends from your country had been planning to stay in Japan with her circle of friends for a few days and they had problems with lodgings.

So the girl had asked you for help repeatedly ever since she got a wind of your number. Or more like begged your number from your parents. Only your family knew how to contact you after all. You had deactivated every social media accounts you have because of this very reason. 

Japan gave you a fresh start and you had opted to only text and call your parents if your family needed to see how you were doing.

But your folks were quite eager to talk about you if the topic was raised. And they've probably been baited by your 'friends' to talk about your current situation.

Lisa was someone you were friends with as an undergrad student. She was a chic who got into a lot of circles easily because of her personality and appeal.

But last time you check, you weren't really on speaking terms despite being 'friends' with her and the answer was simple.

She was more of your ex's friend than yours. You've always had an unlucky streak of dating a guy from your circle of friends. And when you break up, you drift away not just from your ex, but also the entire circle. You've been used to the whole thing, resulting in more awkward friendships than you could count.

So why was this awkward friend persistently trying to get into your apartment now?

Though you can't blame her. She had probably expected you to agree since you were normally so passive back then, just going with the flow. 

But you can't afford that right now. They can't stay at your apartment.

Since you have none. 

After all, you were living in Atsumu Miya's apartment.

You couldn't let them in even if you ask your boyfriend and you knew Atsumu Miya quite well. He was a guy who liked to mark his territory— indiscriminately so, whether it be towards objects or people. He was as nitpicky as the silence he commands in his serves and the performance he demands from his players. You can't see him or yourself agreeing anyway.

Squeal (Atsumu Miya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now