VIII: Lace

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His eyes widened at your invitation. You could see the control and tension in his eyes, as it struggled against the wave of desire to possess and hold you. And it showed in his hands as his grip tightens on your waist. You were testing a beast in a cage. 

But you didn't know. You weren't aware. You were a naughty little thing who wants attention and release, playing with a beast you thought that had a leash. But that wasn't the case. He wasn't a beast in a cage. 

When there was no cage in the first place. 

He plunges down and kisses you, and you could feel his hunger. He gropes and grabs your ass, giving them a good squeeze and you gasp. He takes the chance and his tongue enters your mouth, and you fought tongue back with tongue, tasting the liquor in his mouth. Your hands wander on his hair, lightly thugging each strand. You were a sensual kisser who took your time, kneading lips against lips and you give passionate replies to every brush of his lips against yours. But he was not. 

His kisses were animalistic, all teeth and tongue. You could taste his anger, impatience, and lust as they drip from his tongue and he was tasting you with it, bruising your lips with his and circling your tongue around his in the process. As if trying to taste every inch of you. And you gladly let him. 

His lips moved from your mouth to your neck, licking, sucking, until a mark was formed. He examined it shortly, realizing one thing from the bruise that easily appeared on your skin right after. You were sensitive. Or to be technical, your skin is. To the point where it was easily marked. 

The glint in his eyes became apparent. He only needs an adequate amount of licking and sucking, and a hickey could easily appear.  He wanted to mark every piece of you. And you didn't see, how his urge became even more so as you moaned on his ear as you hold onto him. 

He switches from your mouth to your body, again and again, tasting and marking any part of you he pleased. "Tsumuuu." You call him and a drool slides down your mouth from how torridly you've been kissing and you can see the glimmer in his eyes, satisfied with hearing his name. And realizing one more thing... 

It wasn't enough

He wanted you to scream his name until your voice became hoarse from doing so. He wanted to slam you on the nearest table, rest your upper body on it and spread your legs wide open. He wanted to take you right there and there, burying himself on whatever part of you until you could feel every inch of him. He wanted to. But he couldn't. 

You could feel his intimidating gaze but he wasn't looking at you. You had your back facing the crowd so you didn't really know. But Atsumu looked at it as a predatory gaze remained on his face. 

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