Extra: Deep

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A/N: Happy birthday to my man, Atsumu Miya and his superior twin

Atsumu Miya had been prohibited to engage in actual sexual penetration for a month when you last went to the doctor. And today was just like any other day in your recovery program.

It was a quiet day, with a sky that has no sun and all clouds. And it was quiet enough for you to hear every single sound on the apartment.

The curtains were being swayed by the breeze from outside that passed by the window and the smell of fresh laundry accompanied it.

And along with it, Atsumu Miya's laughter spread across the apartment.

You could hear him laughing as he takes a call. He was on the phone for quite some time now and he wore his usual house clothes with a sando and a comfortable pair of shorts.

It didn't really take a genius to know what they were talking about. He was being invited to a gathering and he was being told the details on the call.

"Yeah. Yeah. But I'm gonna be late." Atsumu Miya says on the phone.

He had been talking casually like his usual playful and petty self. The Kansai accent was dripping from his tongue and as always, it was soothing to hear his beautiful voice. 

You could only look at him as he does so and he does the same, catching you look.

Though you couldn't really do anything about it.

You see the edge of his lips curl up as he leans comfortably on the wall with the phone on his neck, and with a half-bored, half-amused expression.

He looks like he was taking his time.

"Ah. But my hands are pretty full." He suddenly said.

If you just listen very carefully, you'd tell he was just as playful and a jerk as usual. He had that kind of domineering voice after all— even if he didn't try, it was easy for him to be annoying even if he was just on the phone.

And you wanted to believe that he was, that he really was just being like this.

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