Extra: Goukon (1)

26.8K 695 474

My notif's been booming from this story lmao hence why I'm sending a very late new year's greeting with this extra. Thank you for the new votes and reads. Your comments are hella hilarious and thirsty (some of y'all are clearly pussy and dick deprived) but same, same.

I was supposed to post this at 69k reads but I only posted this now lmao. I would like to refrain from addressing some common comments since I'm a very rude person in real life. 

But this chapter will probably get comments like these again: "This is an OC", "This is practically an OC." And yes, I'm aware. 

You can't change my mind but every reader, every Y/N, is an OC anyway. A passive Y/N, a girl manager Y/N, an innocent Y/N, a depressed Y/N, the generic Y/N is technically just an OC. It's a self-insert character that's named Y/N with more open options to change her looks. But the personality is pretty much still determined by the writer anyway. So yes, since i treat a Y/N as an OC, this should explain why this Y/N is different from your generic Y/N. And yes, even if you keep complaining that that's not how it works, ✨ i don't fucking care. ✨ 

I did this when I was looking for atsumu smut, wrote the smut, and i was not paid to do this. So obviously, I get to do whatever I want with it. ✨

Anyway, Sorry for the rant but I needed to say it lmao. The following chapters are kinda wholesome (?) I guess, sort of, idk but was intended to give substance to why Atsumu fucking Miya is obsessed with Y/N in this fic. Just throwin' a little bit of plot before i throw in some porn again. :D

(A goukon is a japanese group blind date for all you uncultured people who don't know.)

"The goukon might be cancelled?"

"Might. If we don't let the other girl join."

"What other girl?"

"One of the girls said they're bringing someone with a boyfriend. If we don't let her join, apparently all of them won't join."

"If she has a boyfriend then why would she even be there?"

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