Extra: Aftermath

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Atsumu Miya was in a good mood. 

The lack of glares and frustrated "tsk's" filled with bloodlust says it all. And the site was something new.

"What happened?" Some of the managers asked the team for answers as they inspect the changing rooms, noticing the rather bright atmosphere. 

"Must be because of the party." 

"I heard he had a huge catch in the party." 

"A huge catch? He finally flirted back?" Someone said in surprise. It was always a fact that Atsumu Miya had a lot of fans and admirers lined up. But even when he had ghosted you, he did not really reciprocate anyone's confession or attempt to flirt, keeping them at an arms length. 

"Yeah. I managed to obtain a picture." One of the guys said and showed it. The players eagerly crowded it in curiosity. But they  suddenly stopped short upon seeing your picture. 

"It's a foreigner." one of the guys immediately said upon recovering. 

Gulps could be hear everywhere. "Damn. It really is a catch." 

Thin girls were usually the beauty standard in Japan. But you had a face and image that screamed beautiful despite the set beauty standards. You had a generous front and behind, a slim waist, and an overall figure that showed these assets beautifully. To be short, you had a body like of a kpop idol, with all the curves in the right places. And it didn't stop there, you also looked like one. And it was the reason you stood out. 

You were someone who underestimated her own appearance and had no awareness of all of it, such that you didn't really blended in. 

Your battle armor wasn't also common. But even if you dressed like a hoe, you had an aura that screamed that you weren't.

"So how'd it go?" Osamu asked his brother who was ignoring all the fuss. Though he didn't really need to ask since the good atmosphere around Atsumu says it all. 

"Not enough." The blonde says casually and the others peered at him, wondering what he was talking about or what wasn't enough. Osamu only shook his head and sighed, removing his shirt to change.

Atsumu does the same. But the rest of the team couldn't help but stare at him as he changed clothes in the locker room. 

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