V: Scent

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"You're not into girls, right?" Osamu suddenly asked and you laughed before grinning.

"Well why not?" You said raising the bottle of beer and his lips formed into a thin line. 

Osamu was just helping you drink the bucket of beer he'd ordered. He had already picked up your intentions to mooch off of other guys then leaving after you got what you wanted. It was basically like dine-and-dash but baiting fuckboys edition. 

"So that's the reason you look like this?" He asked and you nodded. 

"That's lame, Y/N." He stated and you only glared daggers at him. "You get a lot of allowance and you don't have money to buy alcohol?" He asked you and you felt attacked. 

"It's always better if you can get things for free rather than spending money for it anyway." You reasoned, putting your hands to your waist. "So you're a bona fide freeloader." 

"You're so annoying!" You complained and he replied with a nod and a lazy smile. "It's good to have you back." He said and you looked at him, wondering why the hell you couldn't fall for this Miya twin instead. But you already knew the answer to that question so it wasn't a question that needed to be asked. 

"Miya!" Someone suddenly shouted and you instantly hid behind Osamu by impulse. A wave of people suddenly emerged and the balcony wasn't as silent as it used to be. Osamu lifts you up and makes you sit on the railings. 

If anyone's seen you two, you'd be mistaken for a couple. But you didn't mind. Especially if there was this much people. 

"What's going on?" You asked and he looks around. "Ah. I forgot." Osamu mumbled to himself. "A game just finished up nearby. And these must be the people from there." He sighed and you frowned. But it seems to be true, judging from all the clothes and sweat.

But even having seated on the railings, you weren't able to see anyone clearly. You pouted before realizing that everyone gathered here right now were athletes so they were freakishly tall and big and you were practically a dwarf in heels. 

And to make matters worse, by some trick the universe suddenly pulled out, he was there.

Atsumu fucking Miya is in the crowd. 

He had brought a couple of girls by his side and wore his signature grin like it was an accessory. He was wearing a sleeveless turtleneck top and boy, he looked hot, showing off his biceps and muscles. They looked godly enough to be worshipped and you were restraining yourself from looking. 

Squeal (Atsumu Miya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now