IX: Break

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(A/N: Amen)

You woke up irregularly. The ride becoming long enough for you to sober up bit by bit. 

You found yourself wearing Atsumu's leather jacket and a water bottle was beside your seat. You gulped it down quietly and you glanced at him. You nervously looked around, suddenly wondering why you were heading to your apartment and how he got the address right. 

Turns out he was looking at your phone as you found him holding and scrolling through it with a scowl on his face. 

You were trying to think hard about what you've done. But everything felt like it was a dream as you could only remember a few images. 

But fate wasn't cooperating with you. It wasn't giving you anytime to rest. Especially when you suddenly realized you were already there in your apartment, the site of home being both ominous and uncomfortable. 

You gulped as he parked the car. He didn't say a word but he assisted you off. You ramsacked your bag for your stuff, but he already have it on him as he carried you out of the car. 

You wondered at how he was going to get inside your room but he was fast. His steps echoed in the hallways and you couldn't help but feel a chill in your spine. He stopped exactly at the door to your room. And he was already holding your keys. 

You tried getting off him and walking only to find out everything was a swirling mess. But you were a big girl who likes pretending to be tough so you held your ground, even if you had subconsciously hold on to the nearest hard thing you could touch which was Atsumu Miya. 

He opened the door for you. And the moment you entered, you could feel the weight of something suddenly getting heavier on your shoulders. You could feel the weight of his impatience. 

Like an idiot, you stood near the door and smiled at him, "Umm. So this is my stop. Thanks for the ride." 

He suddenly slams his hand near the door and you jolted. 

But as if fate was trying to tell you a big joke, you almost slipped upon doing so and he catches you. 

He carries you and steps in, looking around. He lays you down on the sofa and you were mentally cursing yourself. You were too obvious and you were almost sober. You look around, trying to find a place to run off to. It was appalling how you would even try to hide in your own room. You could hear the lock on your apartment turn as you remain seated. 

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