XII: Answers

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You woke up, the time telling you that it was already late in the afternoon.

The bed was empty. And the only proof of last night's brutal sex was the state of your insides and the disarray state of your room. Your furniture was all over the place, making you remember how it wasn't just the bed that he used to do you last night.

But oddly enough, there was no site of him. 

Maybe he already left. You turn your head to your bed sheets, unconsciously sniffing the covers. His scent remained, overpowering anything else. 

You try to speak, realizing that your voice was hoarse and some parts of your body suddenly stung like hell. You try to sit on the bed, and when the covers were removed from your body, you could see the nasty state of your bare skin. 

There were hickies and bite marks all over. As if an animal had marked you as his territory. A chill runs down your spine. He had never been this wild before. But that was maybe because he was in consideration of the state of your body, since the last time the both of you had sex was when he had taken your virginity.

But you tried to be optimistic. 

This would make it the second time you've had sex. And this... This would be the last time anyway, right? You awkwardly deduced. 

Since he already left, this wouldn't happen again, right? 

You stand up, or at least tried to. Before you realize the awful state your body is really in. The area from your hips to your legs had been rendered numb and you fell down instantly. 

But that wasn't the only thing that happened. 

You gulped, suddenly feeling a shadow cast from behind you. 

"Where are you going?" 

You feel your whole being tense. 

Ah... He was still here. 

You look up at him, his stone cold gaze looking down on you. His hair was wet, an indication that he had hit the showers. The beads of water from his hair ran down his bare chest, emphasizing every muscle. You remember how they have also been emphasized by the sweat from your two bodies joining last night. You feel your cheeks heat up.

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