II: Dressing up

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You woke up at exactly 7pm, the time the party was supposed to start. 

You groaned as you had slept for more than 12 hours and you texted Dave that you were gonna be late. 

But you weren't really in a rush. You took your time preparing as well as planning. Besides, you were rather fast compared to a normie preparing for a night out. You can eat dinner, take a bath, put on makeup, get dressed, finish up and look gorgeous in exactly one hour. And that's what you really did. 

You look back at the full body mirror and examined your attire for the night.

You wore a tight fitting strapless short dress that hugged the shape of your body perfectly. The large rack you had been hiding underneath all the hoodies you were always wearing was accentuated. You put out your most comfortable heels that was collecting dust from one of your drawers. It had two functions you liked the most— it made you look a lot taller than you actually are just like every other heels out there and it's comfortable enough to use for running away from fuck boys (You were a pro). You had put on makeup and you let your hair loose for a change, your long wavy hair cascading just above your butt. 

It's the first party you've been to in a while and you were confident to wear this kind of outfit because of one thing: no one would recognize you— An opinion that was based on personal experience. 

People don't usually recognize you when you change your overall style. 

Plus, you have established your appearance as a "social outcast" with baggy clothes and messy red hair that was always held up in a bun, over the past years that you've been in Japan. You were confident in your ability to change your appearance.

You looked at yourself once again in the mirror to make sure. 

You had dyed your hair back to black. But you were forced to and you did so to appease your asian parents who complained about your dyed red hair 24/7. Boomers from your country had always associated colored hair with witchcraft (just kidding) and rebellion. Plus, you had put on makeup for a change as you don't usually have time to even put on lipstick if you have classes.

But looking back, although you had returned a month ago, you haven't seen anyone you knew yet nor have they recognized you. The fact made you even more positive that you wouldn't be recognized tonight. 

Especially now that you look like a fucking hoe. 

But you were a beautiful hoe so you didn't mind. 

You gave out a long breath in anticipation, and stared at your face in the mirror. 

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