XI: Atsumu

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You were a passive person. Someone who let Atsumu Miya do whatever he wants as long as you knew why he was doing so. 

You were polar opposites. He was brat and you were someone mature enough to handle him.

When he flirted with girls to make you jealous, you tolerated it though he apologized afterwards and he did so for two whole weeks. He tried to incur your favor to the point where he would give you the pudding he stole from Samu. You scolded him for stealing. But all in all, you forgave him. 

When he didn't get to give you attention because he was practicing too much, you only gave him a pat on the head and assured him that it was alright. He was sure you'd be angry because his past girlfriends all complained about it. But you didn't. 

You had one particular characteristic he particularly enjoyed— You were always there, whether he wanted you to be or not. You were there. If you feel like you needed to be there, you will stubbornly be there. 

You were someone who simply understood him without fail. But it didn't feel like he understood you the same way.

You were an enigma— Someone who knew what to do and what to say at the right time. 

And it was a characteristic he would feel despite ignoring you for a month. He would receive a barrage of texts asking how he was doing everyday without fail. 

He remembered how he told you not to come see his games anymore. And when they lost once on a practice match, Osamu strangely gave him a lot of pudding. He found it suspicious and strange, wondering if someone had posed as his brother. But he knew it was from you. 

He read your note. And he always read your texts. Although he declined to reply. 

It didn't looked like it. But he felt like he was relying on you too much. And he felt like you weren't really sincere, questioning your intentions. Because you were someone too good for him. 

For the first time, he couldn't think of what he'd do if you ever decided to be done with him, to leave. He didn't know what to do but the scenarios that pop up in his head from his 'what if's' weren't impossible. 

He wanted to test the extent of how far you would go. If you really like him back or if it was just one sided all along. 

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