Your smile

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I've been teasing Boss since morning because if I stop and have a normal talk with them, I'm afraid that I might tell about Tine. I don't know what would be the reaction of Sarawat.

We're here at Sarawat's house. Actually, it's the old apartment of him and Tine but it's being renovated for the past years.

When he became successful  from being a Political Science major graduate, then a media manager and after all the hard works, he's able to buy the lot of the apartment, build and have his own company that's now growing in his own hands. I don't know how his determination did that but I guess he's being true to his words.

Be successful and be with Tine.

We're now all turning 29 but Sarawat is still not seeing anybody else. He's gone close to Pam again and I don't know if they are a thing or not.

“Man.” Boss called.

“Boss.” I answered forcing myself not to laugh because he looks like he's about to poop.

He glared at me so I composed myself and I also looked at him intently and nodded. He sighed and,

“Do you think we have any rights to tell Sarawat the truth?” he asked. I formed my lips into thin line because I don't know what to say.

“I don't know either,” I answered. I let out a deep sigh and added, “Maybe we should just keep quiet for now and let the fate to do its job.”

I smiled at him and get the popcorns.

“I'll go upstairs. Compose yourself, don't let your emotions spoil this night for us.” I said and patted his shoulder.

I'm not sure of what to do but I'm sure Sarawat would loathe us for hiding the truth.


I sighed before opening the door of the rooftop. I saw Sarawat playing his guitar with his finger. I smiled to myself because after years, now is the only day that I saw him play his guitar again. He's done so much far from what we have expected, I'm so proud. I was about to walk close to him when he starts strumming a familiar song and that made me stop.

Your Smile.

The song he wrote for Tine 9 years ago after he saw him at the Scrubb concert. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to stop myself from tearing up.

Roy yim kaung tur kae krung diao
[Your smile, only once,]

Tum chun hai leum reuang rao tee pahn kao mah
[Makes me forget the problems that have occurred]

We were with him when he was recording the song and he even promised us to let Tine watch it as soon as they meet again. He even had a script for the video. I sadly chuckled reminiscing. He showed that video to Tine one year after the video was recorded. He was so happy.

Tum hai dai roo wah arai tee sumkun gwah
[And made me realize what is more important]

“Wow!! You stopped playing guitar for years but you're still good at it my bro! Haha!” a little muffled, Man interrupted him while clapping and holding a plastic of chips using his mouth.

He even winked at me. I coughed, crazy. I told Man don't spoil the night but I almost. Psh. I scratched my eyebrows using my finger and walk towards them. Man gave me a teasing look and I shrugged and ignored him.

I look at Sarawat who's drinking his beer while staring at the stars. He looks so good but when you get a chance to see his eyes, you would be drowning from seeing so much emotions.

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days.


My friends are weird since morning, I mean, they are always weird but today they are more weirder than their usual. Since they had an encounter with that guy, they become more weirder and they started exchanging looks that I don't know what that means. Are they hiding something from me? I just shook my head and ignored the thought. Impossible.

I drank from my bottle while staring at the stars when I suddenly remembered that I need to ask my friends about something. I silently coughed and,

“Bros, the guy you're both staring awhile ago at the supermarket...,” I paused when I noticed them exchanging looks.

“ he the one who helped Boss last Monday?” I asked.

Ahh that— uhmm..”, Man murmured.

“Who?” Boss innocently asked. My forehead wrinkled before biting my lower lip and,

Ahh.. This morning, at the supermarket. I saw you two staring at some guy and I also familiarized his body figure. I saw him also at the hospital, right? Why did you pushed me out and covered me like I was being attacked by some gunman? Aish. I haven't even got a chance to meet and talk to him this morning to thank him for taking care of my secretary! Because the two of you are acting like a child!” I explained pointing my fingers at them, blaming and hoping that they would remember what I'm saying.

Ahh! Y-yes, he is— I mean, he was the one who helped me. Haha we told him that you'd like to meet him but he said no b-because he said h-he has no time for that haha h-he's in a rush because he's looking for a job.” Boss explained with matching hand gestures.

“Job?”, I talked to myself.

I didn't answer. I suddenly felt sad and I don't know why. Aaah, what's happening to me?

I smiled to them to assure them that I'm okay. I keep getting weirder and weirder everyday.

After that, no one wants to talk so silence filled the rooftop until,

Ahh, Man!! WHY DID YOU PUT MANGO SAUCE ON MY BREAD!!!? AND YOU PUT KETCHUP IN MY DRINK ALSO!! WE'RE NOT ON JAE ERA ANYMORE! YOU SON OF A DOOR, I'LL KILL YOU!!”, Boss suddenly shouted really loud, gritting his teeth, stood up and took a deep breaths getting ready to chase Man that is now laughing his ass out while pointing his fingers at our direction.

I wiggled my head and drink a beer from my bottle. I'm laughing while the two guys started run-chasing each other. I face palmed when Man got himself a dustpan as a shield because Boss starts to hit him with a broom.

I chuckled. Crazy.

I looked up at the stars while listening to their arguments.

Happy 28th birthday, My Nuisance.

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