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I'm so drained. My fingers are almost bleeding when we stopped playing.

Aside from working at SG Company, I work part-time as a guitarist at the bar not so far from here. Usually, it's not this tiring but tonight he had so many guests that requested so many songs and we can't say no to them.

Customers are always right. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

I was walking home when I thought about buying something to eat, good thing there's a convenience store nearby. I got some chips and a paper bag half full of donuts and headed my way to the cashier.

I was double checking the foods that I got when I heard a person talking to the cashier, asking if it is okay for him to pay tomorrow for the foods he got because he forgot his wallet in his house. I chuckled. He went to the store straight from home without his wallet, who would believe him?

It was my turn to pay when I noticed the guy who's standing beside the cashier. I signaled the cashier to wait and assist first the person next to me.

“Tine?”, I called him, almost whispering.

I caught his attention so I approached him gladly but my smile faded when he looked at me as if he don't know me.

He said sorry many times for not remembering me, he told me that he was in an accident almost 4 years ago. I stared at him to check if he's lying or not but based on his actions, I can tell that he's telling the truth.

I asked him some questions that he didn't have a chance to answer because the cashier stepped in. I learned that he's the person who left his wallet on his house, so he borrowed some money from me and he said he'd give it back to me. He even got my number to make sure.

I just got home. I went to my room while biting the straw of my drink. I'm still thinking about Tine. He's just so different from who he was, the way he move and talk, everything.

I wonder if Sarawat knows about it because if he knew I don't think he'd act like that. He hated Tine, and we don't know why. Years ago, Sarawat just told us that they already broke up, that he's tired, that they're both tired of each other. And after that, we heard that Tine left the place. And we never heard about him anymore, even his friends became elusive after he left.

We never saw Sarawat smile genuinely after that. He's smiling, yes, whenever we're practicing for a band competition, he smiles a lot but it's not the same anymore.

There was a time after our band practice, I was about to go home actually but I remembered my guitar pick was under the table at the music club where we practiced so I came back. I made sure that my steps were inaudible because it's already dark outside. I almost slipped when I saw him alone at the room, silently strumming his guitar, I was behind him so he didn't see me. I sat on the floor while waiting for him to packed up and go home but I looked at him again after 15 minutes, I didn't feel that he has any plans of going home so I just said to myself that I would just go to the music club tomorrow morning to get my pick.

I got my bag and was about to walk away when I heard him crying. Everyday that I'm seeing him, he seems to be doing well but I think he's just under his own mask. I didn't have any plans of interfering but I had no choice. He started banging the guitar on the wall while screaming, so I went to him and hug him until he stops.

After minutes of crying he finally stopped, but then he started staring at nowhere. He looked like a mess. He's waaay-waaaay far from the Sarawat we knew.

I texted Man and Boss to got back at the music club room and they immediately replied ok. I was staring at the guitar which he wrecked then I realized that that guitar was the guitar he used to give Tine. I looked at him and my eyes watered. So it is about Tine again. If he loves him, why didn't he just win him back?

Man and Boss arrived in no time, they went to Sarawat right away to console him. I almost cried my heart out when I saw how Sarawat hugged his friends as if he's longing for their hugs for so long.

“Ho-how dare hi-m?!” Sarawat asked his friends, still crying.

“I-I don't want to-to love him aa-nymore. I-I'm so tired of waiting, I-I'm so tiredd. Ha haa

He kept on saying that until he passed out.

I guess he's really tired, tired enough to let go.

I sighed. I never imagined myself in their situation, if I was in their shoe I'm not sure if I can make it. I'll surely lose my sanity. But I know God has a plan for everyone of us. I know he has a reason for everything and why he took my boyfriend away from me.

After I ate almost everything, I cleaned myself and went to sleep.

[ N E X T  D A Y ]

I woke up because of my ringtone. Who would call at this hour? I looked at the clock and saw that it is 9:56AM. I got up and reach for my phone at the bedside table.

Calling... Unknown number

Huh? I curiously answered the phone.


: Hello? Earn?

E: Hello? Who's this?

: Ahh, this is Tine. The guy at the store last night.

E: Tine! Good morning. What's up?

T: I'm planning of paying you back later, are you free?

E: Sure, sure. Text me the location and time, I'll be there.

T: Okay, see you later.

E: See yaa!

I hung up the phone and saved his number.

*Phone chimes*

Sarawat's nuisance
One new message

I giggled when I saw his contact name on my phone.

Fr: Sarawat's nuisance

I'll pick you up at the same convenience store where we met. 3PM.

Pick? Does that mean we're going anywhere? Men, I doomed if someone sees us, I don't want to be part of love triangle if ever. I face palmed and pull my hair.

The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince never failed to stress us out but, they're worth the stress, eh.

Me dating tine?

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