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“How many days he's been absent and out of reach?” I asked Boss.

“Almost a month, 29 days to be exact.” he answered. I closed my eyes, sighing.

I nodded at him then gestures him to leave but he didn't move.

“What?” I asked.

“When are you planning to tell us what happened between you two in his room? Is that a reason why he's not showing up?” he asked, looking at me intently.

I just shook my head then looked down on my laptop. I sighed. As far as I can remember, I told him not to give up his work but looks like he disobeyed me. Stubborn as always. I massages my temples while remembering what happened that day. I somehow regret saying those things to him but a part of me felt good after bursting out what I'm feeling all this time.

“You can vent to me, you know that. I can listen.” Boss approached me again.

“It's not that important..,” I answered then look at him.

“.. by the way inform me again tomorrow so if ever he still hasn't shown up, we'll find another corporate lawyer. We never entertain unprofessionalism here in my company.” I said plainly then sat properly.

“Uh...,” he moaned hesitantly. I looked at him confused but he just shook his head.

“You can go now if you don't have anything to say.” I said politely. He nodded then stormed out of the office.

I stopped typing on my laptop then lay my head down the table. It's so hard to pretend that I'm not craving for his presence but I know.. I hope that I'll get used to it. Keep pretending until it comes true.

I took out his bracelet from my pocket, I've been carrying this with me wherever I go for the past few weeks of not having him around. It's not easy to survive a day without seeing him but I have no choice, I was the one who ended us. I bitterly smiled. It is what it is.

My thoughts were distracted when my telephone rang, I immediately answered it.

S: Hello? Mr. Guntithanon speaking.


S: Hello? Who's this?

: Uh...

S: Is this some kind of prank call? Don't do it again, you're wasting one's time.

I ended the call then walked in to my private room to lay down a bit. I feel like my body's floating, I'm so tired so I closed my eyes to take a nap.

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