The sptwin lovers

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Miles POV
'I scream and cry I should have payed attention as I look up her body slips through my hands like sand as her blood stains my canvas body I smile and start laughing as I feel my lungs shutting I continued to laugh the pain away the last words of her repeating."I will return"..'
I wake up as my head pounds I see (Y/n) on her phone sighing I walk to her as she looks up and back down."Please speak to me.."I say she just blinks and breathes"No" and that was it she had gotten up and left just out the door I chase after her."God Please just speak to me!"I shout causing her to flinch and turn around she makes her way towards me and grabs me by my collar."Leave me alone!"and she runs I stand there trying to process it.

(Y/n)'s POV
I wake up instantly going on my phone to ignore conversation I look over at miles who's sweating I grab a damp towel and wipe his forehead sitting back down he wakes up making his way to me."Talk to me please"he says I suddenly feel my heart squeeze as I control my breath"No"as the harsh words come out I jump up and walk away about to cry he chases after me yelling, I suddenly start getting hot as I go to him snatching him by the collar"Leave me alone!"and I go off away to my room where I'm safe.
I make it to my room as I see Danny I wonder why he's here but I drop my bag hugging him crying into his shirt as he comforts me I start venting to him about what happens as he opens a drawer full of food."I already knew yours skinner than usual please just take care or miles will loose it"As he chuckled ruffling my hair."Thanks Danny"as I wipe my eyes I hear the door open and sigh going close to miles as he hugs me tight I kiss his cheek"Get a roomm"Danny shouts and walks away into the kitchen.

Miles POV
I walk into the dorm to see (Y/n) and Danny Hugging and talking I see (Y/n) walk to me as I hug her tightly I feel a peck on my cheek'Take care' I whisper as she nods"Get a roomm"Danny says I just roll my eyes as he walks away leaving us alone.

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