Blood tears and Heart

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Denny's POV
I began to notice as the days got closer to graduation (y/n) and Miles have grown far and close it's weird we only have 3 days left and I'm worried for them I see (y/n) talking to herself as miles walks past her I stop him."Whats up now"he just looks at me and laughs"Nothing she's just taking a break she needs it"I blink god I'm dumb"ohh ok then"as I walk away but it's odd those two are as tight as knot.

🌙Two days until graduation🌙

(Y/n)'s POV
I wake up as usual as I try to eat the progress is better i throw on some black jeans with a red hoodie and vans as Miles sand Danny are talking"Stop being early"I jump down and grab my books"Bye dad's"as I playfully roll my eyes as they start screaming I laugh I suddenly get pushed down"Ow what the fuck daisy!"as I snap around to see Daisy Bellamay the Mean girl of the school as her high pitched laugh stabbed my ears"Aw is the Hoe gonna cry? Where are all your boyfriends oh wait they don't care"as her gang laughs along"Where's your sugar daddy's hm? I'm sure your into old men with all that Gucci"I get up wiping away the blood as I make a finger gun and blow it at all of them they get scared and run away miles comes next to me."Agin?"he says"Yup"I grab his hand and run to class sitting us down as I hold his hand under the table he looks confused I just giggle.

Miles POV
I started a conversation with Danny as (Y/n) complains we laugh and then scream as she calls us dads what a dork, I then walk out to see her scare of daisy and her flock"Agin" I question"Yup" this happens a lot but hey she's ok. She grabs my hand rushes to class and sit down as she giggles- Oh shoot! Today we have a double date with Danny and his new girlfriend and she was way to excited she finally sighs"you remembered Finally!"As the lesson begins daisy sits far in the corner winking at me as i flip her off, as soon as class ends I see Trey Martinez fuming at me kissing (y/n) he storms over and rolls up his sleeves barking at me"What are you doing you know good and well she's mine!"I sigh and flick his forehead as he punches me several times I fight back why me? ((Y/n) begins jumping on his back trying to get him to stop as she cried her tears hit my face she finally bit his weak spot as I start to faint I see (y/n) sobbing uncontrollably she slowly walks over and hugs me quick I fall into her arms smiling as I feel her carrying me. *Time skip* I wake up to a bandaged face and an worried (y/n)"Please stop getting into trouble it scares me" i sigh"I'll try just for you princess"as she smiles.

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