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        "It was an accident!"Grian admitted, but Mumbo rolled his eyes.

        "It's simple, pull the lever, put in the concrete, and wait for the tnt! How could you possibly manage to break it?!" He screamed as he shuffled past the destroyed concrete maker.

        "I'm sorry!" he tried, and Mumbo turned to face him furiously.

        "Sorry doesn't fix this!"

        "No. Just leave. I need to fix this before Iskall finds it, and I don't want you messing things up again." He turned to the machine, and Grian stood for a moment. He had heard those words before, in that same tone. Flashes of rabbit ears strobed through his mind as he felt his throat catch. Tears welled in his eyes as he took a deep breath and flew away from Sahara to his nearby base. He landed messily, and though of his therapist's words.

        "Take your mind off of it. Work on something and calm down." So he did just that. He sat in front of the large quartz box in front of him, building and wiring it. The flashes of Sam and highschool still periodically came to him, but he suppressed them with the build. Finally, it was time to test it. He was originally planning on testing it with Mumbo, just in case anything went wrong, but it felt wrong to ask him now. He stepped into the time machine, and spun the seconds dial back a few, only planning to go back a few seconds, and set the mode to 1 jump. This meant that it would jump, stay for a minute, and jump back automatically. Grian spun the clock and stood back as the machine began to whir. It was working! He watched, amazed, as the clock continued to spin when suddenly, sparks flew from the control panel. The year dial jumped from number to number. Finally, as Grian watched in horror, it stopped on 6 years and he felt his body lurch. He was hit with overwhelming nausea and dizzyness until it suddenly got very still. 

Before he could even think about where he was 6 years prior, he felt motion again. Only, this time, he wasn't inside the time machine anymore. He looked around, still dizzy, and recognized he was on a bus. Then he heard it. His own voice, 6 years younger. 

        "Come on, Taurtis, you're gonna be ok, you just have to stay awake." Grian turned and saw himself hunched next to the bus driver's seat. He knew where he was, and what was about to happen. He took a step toward the boys, and young Grian turned toward the sudden movement. His turn revealed Taurtis, sitting in the driver's seat, a large wound gushing blood from his stomach. Grian took another step forward, and young Grian stared in confusion.

        "What the f-" He was cut off by the sudden halt in velocity. The bus crunched against a tree on the side of the road, throwing both Grians forward into the windshield and taking their consciousness.

        "Sir? Sir, can you hear me?" Grian's eyes opened slowly as his senses returned to him. He could feel his body laying on some sort of cushion, and everything hurt. A light was flashed into his eyes, and once the stars stopped, he could see a cop or paramedic leaning over him. He was in a stretcher, being wheeled toward more flashing red and blue lights. He tried his best to move his head and look around, but all he saw was another stretcher being wheeled, this one with a cloth covering the body on it. The cloth flapped in the wind for a second, revealing a glimpse of an eerily familiar red sweater.

Well there we go. I am so excited to write this new book, and for the first time kinda, I actually have the whole plot planned out beforehand. So anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

Time Trapped //YHS & Hermitcraft Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now