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        "Everybody up! We have places to be!" Sam called through the house, waking everyone up abruptly. They all shuffled out of their rooms to see Sam fully dressed and ready to leave the house.

        "What even time is it?" Grian asked in between a yawn, and Mumbo reached up to rub his barely open eyes. 

        "6 am exactly!" Sam mused, and Taurtis rolled his eyes.

        "Sam, it's Saturday, remember? No school." Taurtis groaned, and Sam shot him a look. He instantly backed down, and Sam returned to his cheery demeanor. 

        "I know it's Saturday, Jerry, but we have places to be!" He smiled as he waited for his friends to take action. After another moment waiting in unsure silence, he sighed. "Come on, or we're gonna be late. Get dressed, and wear something nice!" They all sauntered back into their rooms, threw on some clothes and met back in the living room. Taurtis was the last out, and as he stepped into the main room, Grian noticed him shaking slightly. Sam had been especially cruel to him in the past week since their conversation in Grian's bedroom, making sure their would be a punishment for everytime he acted too "Taurtis-like". He tried his best to toughen it out, and Mumbo even tried to take as much of the heat as he could, but Sam was, as always, relentless. 

        "Now that we're all here, can you please tell us where we're going now?" Mumbo asked, making sure he didn't let too much sarcasm drip off his words. 

        "Well, if you must know, our great friend, and my girlfriend, Yuki, had invited us to her house!" The three boys looked at each other in realization, and Sam noticed. "What?" He asked, and they all looked to the floor.

        "Uh..." Grian tried, but couldn't come up with anything.

        "Oh, is this about my super secret surprise party I definitely know nothing about?" He asked excitedly.

        "Well, we can't tell you, or else it would ruin the surprise!" Mumbo interjected quickly, and Sam clapped his hands together happily, causing both Grian and Taurtis to flinch. 

        "Ooh, fancy! Alright, let's go!" Sam stepped out of the house first, giving the 3 other roommates a second to talk.

        "Is this...?" Taurtis asked, and Grian nodded.

        "I think so. Just act normal, and we'll figure out a good time to sneak away once we're there." Grian instructed, and the other 2 nodded.

        "Hey, come on guys!" Sam yelled into the house, earning another flinch from Grian and Taurtis. Mumbo saw this one, and placed a hand on their shoulders.

        "We're going to be ok. I promise." He reassured them, and Grian let out a shaky breath.

        "Yeah, let's go before he gets too suspicious." 

They approached the large house and the first thing they noticed were the armed guards posted at the door. Sam walked assuredly up to them and smiled. 

        "Hi, we're here to see Yuki!" The guards looked at each other for a second before one turned and entered the house. The remaining gaurd stood directly in front of the door, barring their entry. Mumbo noticed Grian's hand start to fidgit and shake as they waited, and pulled him back a bit.

        "Hey, what's up?" He whispered, and Grian looked at him nervously.

        "What if this doesn't work? What if they used the machine already and we're still stranded here. What if we never get back to Hermitcraft?" He spewed out in a hushed tone.

        "Hey, it's going to be ok. Even if the machine isn't here, we'll find a way to get back. Remember, things are different this time. You have me." He spoke slowly and saw Grian's shoulders relax slightly. Just as his hands ceased their constant motion, the door opened again and revealed Yuki with a large smile on her face.

        "Hi guys! Come on in!"

I promise, I will finish this book, if it's the last thing I do. Anyway, thanks for sticking around even though my updates have been far from constant. I hope you enjoyed, have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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