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        "I was too hard on him." Mumbo said to himself as he finished rewiring the concrete maker. He took a step back to look at it, but his mind was too plagued with guilt to accurately assess his redstone abilities. He sighed, took out a rocket, and shot into the sky. As he flew towards Grian's base, he drafted up a few apologies in his head. As he landed, still unsure of which apology he was going to use, he noticed something odd. There was a black ring of char in the center of his base, and a large machine the size of the charred ring slightly to the left. 

        "Grian?" He called out and took a step toward the machine in front of him. The door was hanging open, and inside sat a dormant control panel. Mumbo remembered Grian talking about building a time machine, but had he really done it? And if so, where was he? Mumbo looked over the panel and recognized 2 things. 1, a switch was flipped into 1 jump mode with a 60-second timer, and 2, the machines charge was at 75%. It had been used before and jumped back without its driver. Without Grian. These realizations hit Mumbo as he looked at the date dials. The day was today, but the year had a 6. Why did Grian go back 6 years? And why didn't he come back? He needed to find him. After a few random pressing of buttons, the machine began to whir to life. "I'm going to need more than 60 seconds to find him." He thought as he flipped the switch, locking the machine in manual jump mode. He watched as lights flashed inside the box, when once again, sparks began to fly from the date dials. This time, it was the day dial that spun randomly, until stopping about 2 weeks after Grian's original jump. Before Mumbo could change it back, he felt a sudden lurch and nausea. His head spun for a second, before everything calmed down again.

The sudden velocity halted as Mumbo fell forward slightly. He stabilized himself as he looked toward the door. He couldn't see much out of the window, but he knew he wasn't in Grian's base anymore. He grabbed the door handle nervously, before slowly opening it. Even the air felt different as he stepped out of the time machine, placing his feet onto the cement of a sidewalk. The time machine had landed in an alley between 2 buildings, and as Mumbo walked out of the alley and into the main street, he was completely lost. Absolutely nothing looked familiar as he glanced around him, but noticed something. There was a steady flow of people walking toward a building up ahead. Mumbo walked carefully toward the people and realized they were students. As he approached, he noticed one certain student. He was slightly taller than the rest, sandy brown hair poking out under a pair of ill-fitting headphones. He was walking with a shorter boy, wearing some sort of bunny hat, whose arm was swung around Grian, holding him close. As he continued to walk, the bunny-eared boy noticed him approaching. He stopped, causing Grian to look over at Mumbo too.

        "Grian?" Mumbo asked, and Grian looked at him in surprise and fear. Though he was wearing very odd clothing, it was definitely the Grian he knew. The bunny boy spoke before Grian could, tightening the grip on Grian's shoulder and smiling wide.

        "Don't be silly, this isn't Grian! This is Taurtis, dummy!" 

Just saying it now, this book will be a lot better if you don't focus on how awful the science of it all is. It will also not make a ton of sense if you haven't actually seen YHS, so if you need some clarification, let me know and I'll try my best to summarize it. Anyway, I am so absolutely happy people are liking this book! Thank you all so much for all of the nice comments and votes on chapter 1. Also, to answer a question from last chapter, the Grian that died was younger Grian. Thanks for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

Ps. Those who came here from my one-shots book, I forgot to say it in that update, but the one-shots are kinda on hold until I finish this book. I might write one if I get super inspired, but for now all of my creative energy is going to be focused on this book. Hope you understand! 

Time Trapped //YHS & Hermitcraft Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now