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          "Wait, you guys are from the future?!" Taurtis' face curled into a huge smile as Grian and Mumbo desperately tried to hush him. 

        "Shh! Get in here and shut the door!" Grian commanded in a whisper, and Taurtis did so, excitedly skipping into the room.

        "I thought Grian told you midnight." Mumbo tried, and Taurtis shrugged.

        "Yeah, well Sam fell asleep on the couch and I was tired of waiting. So, are you guys really from the future?" He asked, and Grian nodded.

        "Yeah. We ended up stuck here after our time machine went missing." Grian said nonchalantly, and Mumbo was dumbstruck.

        "Wait, you believe us?" He asked, and Taurtis nodded quickly.

        "Yeah, man. You know, I thought you looked taller." He said as he looked to Grian. "So how far in the future? Do you have flying cars? Ooh! Or robots that do everything you say until they have a revolution and take over?" He asked in rapid succession, and Grian shook his head.

        "No, Taurtis. We are only from a few years in the future." He subsided, and Taurtis' excitement dropped a bit. Mumbo was still amazed by how quickly Taurtis accepted them being from the future and looked to Grian in disbelief. "Look, what's important right now is that we have to get back to our time." He explained and noticed Taurtis' face drop. "Don't worry, we are taking you with us." 

        "Really? Why?" He asked innocently, and Grian was at a loss for words for a second.

        "Because the future is... safer." Mumbo interjected, and Grian nodded agreeing.

        "By safer, do you mean no Sam?" Taurtis asked, and the two nodded sheepishly. Taurtis took a deep breath and smiled again. "Ok. I trust you guys. So how do we get to the future? You said you lost your time machine." Taurtis asked, and Grian regained confidence.

        "You remember the picture Yuki showed us of the weird object her dad had found? That's it. That's the time machine." Mumbo answered.

        "Wait, the Yakuza has the time machine?! There is no way we can sneak in there to get it! We'll be killed!" Taurtis realized, and Grian raised his hand to calm him down.

        "It's ok, we have a plan. Because I'm from the future, I know what's going to happen next. In about a week, Yuki is going to invite us to her house. That's when we have to sneak around, get to the time machine, and get the hell out of here." Grian explained, and Taurtis nodded. "But the most important part of this plan is that we have to do everything how we did it the first time, to make sure we end up in the same place." Taurtis hesitated before he replied.

        "What does that entail?" He asked nervously, and Grian sighed.

        "You have to play along with Sam. Act like you're Jerry and I'm Taurtis. I'm hoping Mumbo being here didn't mess up the timeline too much. Do you understand?" Grian asked, and Taurtis nodded. Just as the conversation ended, the door to the room swung open and Sam stepped in.

        "What are you guys whispering about?" He asked innocently, and they all looked at each other nervously. Suddenly, Grian spoke up.

        "Oh no..." He mocked. "...You caught us planning your surprise party. Dang." He feigned, and Sam smiled.

        "Suprise party? For what?" He asked hopefully, and Mumbo jumped in.

        "For just how great of a friend you are!" He replied, and Sam's smile grew even wider.

        "Really? You would do that for me? Jerry?" He asked, and at the mention of that name, Taurits shrunk slightly. Grian looked to him in reassurance, and Taurtis turned to look at Sam.

        "Yup! We just love you so much we wanted to celebrate you!" He feigned, and Sam seemed content.

        "Well, I'll let you guy get back to it! Don't worry, I'll act surprised for the party!" He mused as he walked happily out of the doorway. The 3 boys sighed in relief before Taurtis yawned.

        "Ok everybody, let's get some rest. We have a long week ahead of us." Grian decided as Taurtis walked sleepily to his room and Mumbo laid on the couch in Grian's room. Grian flopped onto his bed in exhaustion and slept, nervous but prepared for the coming week.

Another kinda boring chapter but I promise, the fun heist stuff is coming. I'm hoping that now that I'm out of school and am left alone for most of the day I will get more chapters written, but you never know. Also, I'm gonna shamelessly self promote myself, so be prepared. Is anyone reading this a fan of Matthew Gray Gubler? Well, if you are, I have a youtube channel where I've been posting my edits of him! Check it out if you want! RexEdits on Youtube, it's also linked on my Wattpad Profile. Hope to see you there! Anyway, enough of my self-promotion, Thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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