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  Grian couldn't move. He wanted to, and he knew he needed to, he knew the time machine and their salvation was just behind them, but he sat paralyzed as his brain desperately tried to make sense of his situation. Sam now followed Yuki to the basement with a large grin on his face. 

        "God, Taurtis, you always mess things up!" Sam yelled at him, and Grian jumped as hands clamped roughly onto his shoulders, further keeping him in place. The man holding him's deep voice rattled through Grian's head as he playfully chatted with his daughter.

        "Honey, you know I don't like runts scurrying around here while I'm trying to conduct business." Despite his jovial tone, Grian could feel the anger in his voice, as well as the grip on his shoulder tightening. 

        "Sorry daddy. I was distracted and they must have found their way down here. I told them to stay away." Yuki replied, looking down at Grian angrily before bringing her eyes back up to her father. Fingers dug into Grian's collarbone, causing him to hold back a small squeak of pain. He didn't dare interrupt the conversation.

        "Well, you know what we do with runts around here..." He cast a glance to the man holding Taurtis, who was too scared to move an inch. Suddenly, he heard the gun resting against his temple cock. Now, as tears began to drip down Taurtis' face, Mumbo began to fight against his captor, screaming at Grian to do something. His screams were muffled, but even so, Grian couldn't hear them. All he could hear was his own heartbeat drumming into his ears, and every once and a while the steady breaths of the man holding his shoulders. 

Tears streamed down Taurtis' cheeks, unable to hold them back anymore. Yuki walked up to Grian, noticing his vacant glare at the floor and grabbed his chin, lifting his head to look at Taurtis. 

        "Wouldn't want you to miss this, Taurtis." She mocked, smiling as she held Grian's face forward. Mumbo couldn't watch anymore. He opened his mouth, but instead of yelling, he used all his energy to bite the hand covering it. He tasted the iron instantly, and as the man holding him yelled in pain, Mumbo used the shock to run away from the man. 

        "Grian!" This time, Grian heard him. The vacancy left his eyes for a moment as he looked at his friend. Mumbo shouted, running toward him, and just as he opened his mouth to shout again, Grian couldn't hear anything at all. An intense ringing filled his ears as he watched Mumbo's body halt all movement. He stopped and looked down, at the now growing red stain soaking his shirt and looked back up at Grian before his body fell to the floor. Taurtis screamed, Sam smiled, and Yuki stepped away from Grian and Mumbo's body as the ringing flooded Grian's head. The gun Yuki's father was holding was pulled back into it's holster, and the room went silent again. 

The ringing ceased, and Grian was left only with sounds of Taurtis' muffled sobs. Once again, his brain spun in an attempt to comprehend what he was seeing, but before he could go fully catatonic, he heard one more thing. The large man behind him let out a breath quickly. Then another and another, until finally, he was laughing. Laughter filled the room, and suddenly, Sam and Yuki were laughing too. Soon, everyone in the room was laughing, except for Taurtis, who was still sobbing in horror. Taurtis stopped, however, when he saw something peculiar. Grian's vacant stare had begun to curl in a small grin. He chuckled bit, before quietly laughing along, until finally, he was cackling louder than any of them. Their laughter ceased as they heard Grian's high pitched cackles, his face covered in tears and joy. Yuki's father released his grip on Grian's shoulder, slowly backing away in confusion. Grian's displaced laughter slowly twisted into desperate sobs as tears streamed down his face, looking down at Mumbo's body. And like nothing had happened, the room was slient again. Everyone waited for Grian to do something, and as he raised his gaze from Mumbo, Taurtis saw something he had never seen in Grian's eyes. Rage. 

We love an unhinged Grian. I actually have the next (and last) 2 chapters written already, so expect those in the next few days. Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

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