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Grian felt the rage course through his body, and he let it. He used the sudden fire in his veins to lunge at the man behind him. Caught off guard by the small man's attack, he stumbled to the side to dodge, leaving his holstered gun unprotected. Grian felt purchase on the butt of the gun and pulled it out of its holster. He held it steady, his hand wrapping around it in recognition. This was his gun, the first time through the timeline. He shoved the memory far from his head as he forced his focus back to the situation at hand. He scanned the room for a way out, and as his eyes moved from person to person, they landed on something.

        "Yuki!" Sam and the Yakuza boss yelled at the same time as Grian grabbed her and held the gun to her head.

        "Tell your men to lower their weapons or I blast her head off!" Grian screamed, and Yuki's father complied. He raised his hands, and the two yakuza lowered their guns slowly. "Taurtis, grab Mumbo and bring him into the time machine." He ordered, and Taurtis rushed over to pull Mumbo into the large chrome contraption. Grian gave him a date to plug into the control pannel, and as he did, Grian scanned the room again. This time, what he saw shocked him. Sam, the man that always had complete control over him, looked at him in fear. Sam was scared of Grian. All the adrenaline and anger left his body as he realized this. In disgust, he threw the gun away from himself and let go of Yuki, who desperatley ran to her father.  

        "Grian! Get in here! We're leaving!" Taurtis called out, and Grian turned and ran into the time machine. The door behind him shut and as he felt the beginnings of the awful, lurching feeling, he caught one last glimpse at what he was leaving behind. Yuki was crying into her fathers arm, and Sam didn't take his eyes off of Grian. He stared at him in utter horror and pain until suddenly, the image was gone. It stayed in Grian's mind for another moment before he felt something tug on his sweater and pull him out of it. 

        "Grian! What do we do about Mumbo?!" Taurtis desperately questioned, kneeling next to Mumbo's unconscious body, and Grian knelt down next to him. 

        "Keep pressure on the wound! I can remove the bullet and patch him up once we're back to Hermitcraft, but for now we need to keep him breathing!" Grian instructed, and Taurtis nodded slowly, placing his hands onto Mumbo's stomach. He looked back at Grian however, in confusion.

        "How do you know how to do this?" Taurtis asked, and Grian let out a long, drawn out sigh.

        "In a couple of years, Sam shoots you. He tells me to help you, but that if I brought you to a hospital, there would be a bullet for me next. From that day on, I taught myself how to dress a wound of any kind. It would... come in handy a lot." He admitted sadly, and Taurtis let the subject drop. The time jump took another few seconds before finally, the machine halted. The whirring stopped as Grian looked through the metal door's holes. He was in his base, almost exactly where he had jumped in the first place. 

        "Alright, now help me carry him to my bed. I'll grab everything I need, you just keep pressure on the wound, ok?" Grian and Taurtis carefully lifted Mumbo to the bed, and as soon as he was set down, Grian ran off to gather supplies. Taurtis did as Grian told him to, and as he listened for Mumbo's shallow breaths, he heard something else. 

        "Mm... sorry." Mumbo slured out, and Taurtis was confused. Sorry? What did he have to be sorry about?

Mumbo was watching himself in third person. He saw himself and Grian during the argument that had started everything. 

        "I need to fix this before Iskall finds it, and I don't want you messing things up again!" He had never noticed how much Grian winced at those words. This time, he saw the tears welling up in Grian's eyes as he turned to leave. His brain took him to a different memory now, a much more recent one.

        "You always mess everything up!" Sam had yelled it at Grian, and again, he winced. These 2 memories played on loop, over and over again as Mumbo sat catatonic, unable to change them.

I hope you enjoyed! I also, as always, hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

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