12 (Final)

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The procedure was done. All that was left was to wait for Mumbo to wake up. Grian asked Taurtis to watch over Mumbo while he cleaned the blood off of his hands, but as the pink liquid circled the drain, he was met again with the image of Sam staring at him. He knew that face. That look of pure terror. He had seen it on Taurtis's face and presumably his own anytime Sam did anything to them. Grian fought the urge to puke as this realization dawned on him, stumbled out of the bathroom, and only made it halfway back to Mumbo's bedside before slouching against the wall and sliding down to sit. He held his head in his hands in shame before he heard footfalls in front of him. 

        "Grian? I think he's going to wake up soon." Taurtis spoke softly, but Grian stayed where he was. Taurtis lowered himself to the ground and sat next to Grian.

        "What did I do?" Grian spoke into his hands, and Taurtis sighed. 

        "You did what you had to. You saved us. You saved me. I mean, I don't know what would have happened to me like you do, but from what I've heard, you saved me." Taurtis slowly rested his head onto Grian's shoulder.

        "But I had to become him to do that! You saw how he looked at me!" Tears began to form in Grian's eyes. 

        "Grian, you weren't him. This, how you feel right now, proves that you're not him." 

        "What do you mean?" Grian asked, and Taurtis lifted his head from Grian's shoulder to look him in the eyes.

        "This guilt and shame you're feeling? Sam never felt this way. You're right, you had to act like him to get us out of there, but whenever he did that kind of stuff to us, he liked it. You don't. You're still you, Grian." Taurtis finished, and Grian took a deep breath. He smiled weakly at Taurtis as they heard something peculiar.

        "Grian?" The raspy voice came from Grian's room, and they both sprang up from the floor. They made their way there and saw Mumbo sitting up in the bed, looking down at his bandaged wound and then back at them as they ran through the door. 

        "Told you he would wake up soon!" Taurtis mused happily, and Grian smiled. 

        "What happened?" Mumbo asked, and Grian hesitated to speak.

        "It doesn't matter what happened, what matters is that we're all ok." Taurtis interjected, and Grian felt the weight of guilt crash back down onto his shoulders. Tears pricked his eyes as he looked at his friend.

        "Mumbo, I'm so sorry I got you mixed up in everything. If I had just-" Grian started, but Mumbo interrupted.

        "No Grian, I'm sorry. I never should have yelled at you for breaking the concrete maker. It wasn't your fault and I shouldn't have been so hard on you." Mumbo admitted, and Grian sighed.

        "But I-" Once again, Grian was interrupted.

        "Oh come on, enough with the sappyness! We made it out alive! Who cares who's to blame!" Taurtis interejcted, and Mumbo smiled now too. They stood in silent happiness for another second before another voice sounded through the base.

        "Uh, Grian? Why does it say there is someone new on the whitelist, and why does it say they're here?" Xisuma looked up from his clipboard as he walked into the main part of Grian's base, and saw Taurtis.

        "Hi!" Taurtis cheerily waved, and Xisuma looked from Taurtis back to Grian, repeating this a couple times until he spoke again.

        "Uh, Grian, Mumbo, who's this?"

I think I'mma end it there. Someday I may come back and write a little "Taurtis in Hermitcraft, hijinks ensue" kind of chapter, but idk. Thank you so much for reading. Sorry it took so long to update, and I kinda feel like these last few chapters are a little messy, but I really wanted to finish them before starting school this year. Anyway, I hope you have a good day/year, and you are loved.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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