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        "It couldn't have jumped back on its own!" Mumbo explained, but Grian shook his head.

        "Well, it's not here. Are you sure this was the right alley?" He looked back out into the street behind them and stopped.

        "Yes! I'm sure it was here-"

        "Shhh, Yuki's coming!" Grian said as he straightened out the headphones on his head. 

        "Who?" Mumbo whispered.

        "Sam's girlfriend, remember? Act natural and for the love of god, don't say anything bad about Sam." He finished just as she walked into the alley.

        "There you guys are! When Sam said Taurtis had a new friend, I almost didn't believe it was possible!" She said, and Mumbo sensed the venomous tone of her voice. "Okami sent me to get you guys, class started forever ago!" She smiled, and Grian shuttered. He stood for a second, unable to move. Finally, Mumbo caught onto his paralysis, and lightly placed his hand onto Grian's shoulder. 

        "Uh, yeah, we were just on our way back. Come on Grian." Mumbo softly prompted, and Yuki laughed. 

        "Haha, that's not Grian! Remember! Grian left! This is Taurtis!" She smiled a very unnatural smile, and turned, violently whipping her hair toward them and walked off. Grian took another deep breath.

        "We... we have to go in there. We need to find the time machine, but people will get suspicious if we don't act... Normal." He tried to prepare himself, but as he was about to take a step, he hesitated again. 

        "It's just for a little while. Once we're out of school, we'll go look for the time machine. Look, I know it's going to be hard to relive all of this. But think about it, it won't be for very long. Plus, you have me this time." He smiled, and Grian nodded. "It's going to be ok."

The first class was fine, Mumbo got away with saying he was a foreign student shadowing "Taurtis" for a while. Okami was always good at making sure Grian was somewhat safe from Sam in her class, but by lunch, anything could happen. The lunch bell rang and Grian flinched. Everyone walked out of the classroom and toward the lunchroom, and Grian stood slowly. 

        "You know my room is always open to eat lunch in." She tried, but Grian shook his head. She nodded knowingly as Grian and Mumbo walked out of the door. 

The lunchroom was as loud as usual and as Grian and Mumbo walked in, Sam stood and began waving to get their attention. Grian walked to his usual seat, 2 away from Sam, and as he was about to sit down, Sam laughed, causing Grian to flinch.

        "Don't be silly, Taurtis! That's Grian's seat!" He and Yuki snickered to each other, and Grian stopped. Sam patted the seat next to him, smiling wide. He started to move toward the seat, but Mumbo cut in between them. 

        "Actually, there's a vent over that chair, and I'm already kind of cold, can I sit there?" He asked quickly, and Sam kept his smile.

        "Sure, new guy! Mumbo, was it?" Sam asked, and he nodded as he sat down. Grian gave him a look of appreciation as he sat next to him. 

Lunch went by slowly, but midway through, Yuki stopped the conversation.

       "Woah guys, look!" She turned her phone toward the rest of the table, revealing a picture of the time machine on her phone. Grian looked up from his hands as she showed it off. "My dad said some of his yakuza guys found this thing in an alley and took it back to their place!" Mumbo and Grian looked at each other and back to Yuki.

        "Can we go check it out after school?" Sam asked, and Yuki shook her head.

        "Nah, my dad said he doesn't know how dangerous it is and doesn't want me getting hurt. Sorry." She added, and Sam nodded in disappointment. 

        "Uh, Gri- Taurtis, do you think you could show me where the bathrooms are?" Mumbo asked, and Grian nodded and stood up quickly. Mumbo followed him out of the lunchroom into the quiet of the hallway. 

       "We know where the time machine is! We can go get it! We have to go!" Mumbo turned to leave, but Grian grabbed his wrist to stop him. 

        "No, we can't. Not yet."

A slightly longer chapter to make up for the lateness, sorry about that. I'mma be honest, I haven't actually watched YHS in a while, and I'm planning on rewatching everything I'm gonna write about, but before then, sorry for anything I get wrong. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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