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(If you haven't watched YHS, this chapter might not make a ton of sense, so just for the sake of clarity, Sam now thinks Taurtis, the real one, not Grian, is a guy named Jerry. So every time Jerry is mentioned, he's talking about Taurtis. Ok, anyway...)

        "Wait, who is this guy now?" Taurtis asked as he and Sam met up with Grian and Mumbo outside the hospital.

        "Oh, He's one of Grian's British friends! Mumbo, meet Jerry. Jerry, meet Mumbo." Sam introduced them, and it took Taurtis a second to realize Sam was referring to him. He gave Mumbo a smile, and Mumbo gave him a sad wave as Sam grabbed Taurtis's hand to lead him away from the hospital. Grian looked over at Mumbo, and they stayed back a few steps to speak in hushed tones.

        "I need a favor. I need to talk to Taurtis, get him caught up on everything before he does something Sam doesn't like and gets himself hurt again. Can you go up there and get Sam's attention away from him?" He asked quickly, and Mumbo nodded.

        "Play along..." He said before laughing loudly, getting the attention of Sam. Grian caught on and began to laugh too, as Sam turned with a smile on his face.

        "What? What's so funny?" He asked, and Mumbo walked up to him.

        "Come here, it's a secret joke..." He said as he began to talk into Sam's ear, and Sam let go of Taurtis' hand, allowing him to slip behind them and walk with Grian.

        "Grian? What's going on? What's wrong with Sam?" He asked nervously, and Grian took a deep breath.

        "Ok. Sam has gone full psycho. He thinks I'm you, and thinks you're some guy named Jerry. Just... play along. There is a lot more to tell you, but we have to wait until we are a bit more..." He stopped as Sam busted out laughing and turned back to Grian for a second. "...secure." He finished as Taurtis slowed even more.

        "Grian, I'm scared." He admitted, and Grian looked at his friend.

        "I know. We are going to get out of this, I promise. Just, do whatever Sam says. Please. Come to my room at midnight tonight, and I'll explain everything." He explained as Taurtis nodded slowly and began picking up speed again, before they were all walking as a group again.

Night fell as the group returned to their shared apartment. They all split up, Mumbo and Grian in Grian's room, Taurtis snacking in the kitchen, and Sam on the couch dozing off in front of the tv. The moment his door was closed, Grian and Mumbo returned to their hushed tones as they talked.

        "We have to take Taurtis with us." Grian started, and Mumbo looked at him in confusion.

        "What?! But, wouldn't that mess with some sort of... timeline or something?" He asked, and Grian shrugged.

        "I don't know! But I can't just leave him here. He was always the... weaker of the two of us when it came to Sam. He barely survived him when he was with me, I can't let him do it alone." Grian reasoned, and Mumbo inhaled slowly.

        "Ok, so he comes with us back to Hermitcraft. How do we explain that we are from the future?" 

        "Well, I told him to meet us here at midnight. Sam is a total morning person, he'll be fast asleep by then."

        "Well we can't just say 'Hey, we're from the future, surprise!'" Just as Mumbo finished his sentence, a surprised gasp came from the now open doorway.

Not super long or special, but it's progress, and I at least owe yall something. Sorry for the absence, lost all motivation for like, literally everything in my life other than youtube and Animal Crossing. I'm not saying I have that full motivation back, but this was just a sudden surge in energy to write. Thank you to all of you who have reassured me that my absence was ok and that my happiness is more important than my update schedule. I don't know what it was about this chapter that just kept stumping me, but now that it's written, I'm hoping the rest of the story will come to me as easily as the first 5 chapters did. Anyway, I've talked long enough, thank you for still being here and reading this, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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