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Grian couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

        "Mumbo?" He asked, and Sam looked at him.

        "Taurtis, you know this guy?" he questioned, and Grian stuttered a bit before answering.

        "Uh, yeah, he is... uh... one of Grian's... British friends. Not sure what he's doing here though." He looked over at Mumbo, who stared back at him in confusion. "You know what, why don't you head into school. You know Okami will give you detention if you're late again. I'll meet you in there." He forced a smile, and Sam smiled back.

        "Ok best friend!" He skipped away into the school as Grian turned back to Mumbo.

        "What the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled, and Mumbo broke out of his state of confusion.

        "What are you doing here? Why are you dressed like that? And why is that guy calling you that?" Mumbo prodded, and Grian shook his head. 

        "The time machine. I was testing it, and it malfunctioned and brought me back here."

        "Back here? You know where we are?"

        "Yeah... You know how I never talk about where I was before Hermitcraft... It's because... I was here." Grian finished, but Mumbo was still confused. "Before Hermitcraft, I used to live here, with that guy and Taurtis." 

        "Wait, but wasn't he calling you Taurtis."

        "Yeah. Originally, Taurtis and I got into a bus crash. Except this time, I was on the bus. Me, future Grian. And young me died in the crash this time. At this point in the timeline, Sam started to really lose it. He thought I was Taurtis, and once he got out of hospital, he thought Taurtis was some guy named Jerry."

        "So this Sam guy... Who is he?" Mumbo asked, and Grian sighed.

        "Him, Taurtis and I were roommates in highschool. But Sam was..." He stopped for a second and took a deep breath. "Is... Insane. He tormented Taurtis and I, him and his girlfriend Yuki. We finally got away from them but... Not in about another 3 years." He said in sad realization.

        "And you're just playing along? Again?" Mumbo asked, and Grian clenched his fists in frustration.

        "I have to! The time machine left without me! My only way back to Hermitcraft is..." Tears began to well up as he thought of everything he would have to go through again.  Everything he had worked so hard to move past, he would have to do again. "...Reliving it all until I can get there. And now you're here, so we're both stuck." He said in defeat, but Mumbo piped up.

        "No! We're not! The time machine, it's still here!" He exclaimed, and Grian looked up at him.
        "What?" He asked, and Mumbo nodded.

        "Yeah, I took it out of 1 jump mode! It's still here! We can go home!"

        "Where?!" Grian asked hopefully, and Mumbo started to walk toward it. As he did, Grian ran ahead of him. Mumbo matched his pace, and the 2 were running toward the alley, hopeful and happy. Grian rounded the corner and stopped, and Mumbo slowed as he watched Grian's face drop. He rounded the corner too, and looked into the now empty alley.

        "Where is it? Mumbo?" He looked over at him, eyes wide and hope quickly fading. Mumbo stood silent for a while, still stuck staring at the vacant space until finally uttering,

        "Oh no."


Sorry for the kind of short chapters, I'm trying to make up for the length with the frequency. Also, I know what Grian's time machine looks like, but every time I write about it, all I can imagine is the Tardis. Anyway, I know this chapter didn't give you a ton of new info, but I'm happy with it. I hope you enjoyed, I hope you  have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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